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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Osteoporosis , hypothirodism , High BP , Insomnia

My mother is 72 years old. She has pain in legs , thigh &,knees since 7 to 8 years . Pain may be due to quadricep muscles or calf muscles (vastus medialis or rectus femoris) . She can not sleep at night because of her severe pain at night time and sometimes feels like boiling muscle pain and or prinkling bones pain inside legs.she complains about dry mouth with wounds without known reasons. She used to have alopathy treatment since 7 years but from last twelve months she has been using homeopathic treatment. She has had kaliphos 6x, gnaphalium , carcinogen 200 etc etc but there is unsatisfactory result.. so plz guide me what should i do ? what treatment or medical tests will you suggest in order to get rid of pain .
  Zeeshan Ali on 2021-11-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS  



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
In continuation to above , It is to say further that my mother had fungal infection in old past and some times it reappears after gaps of years in recent times. She had sinusitis in past but yet her nose remains blocked even today her problem is not addressed properly and she is losing her hearing power and also her eyesight is affected and she sees blurred faces at 15 to 20 foot distnce and can not recognise person by that said distance. She feels like stucked substance something in throat and due to itching mucus comes out. .! apart from all , she has osteoarthritis , fibromyalgia, upper limber lower limber pain , hip joint pain and sciatica pain. She hears Clear voice coming from her feet when ants like biting feeling arise in feet. she can not sleep whole night in pain nowadays she has got inflamation in legs due to arthritis . Thanks sir . Please suggest treatment accordingly .
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
it is emergency here ...Emergency ... Emergency... i started medication since yesterday evening.... after taking medication as prescribed and suggested : the current position is worsened, my mother has vomiting like feeling and breathing and she is crying in dizziess , she can neither sit nor stand , she has no energy in body to even hold her neck and sit. She says that every thing is revolving around her .. as she woke up i gave her 5 drops of arsenic alb 30 before the breakfast and she took the same medicine in the last before going in bed at night. She fell asleep due to its reaction.. so plz suggest antidote in this emergency..
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
Blood pressure increased .. current reading is : diastol is 94 while systol is 140.
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
From her skin i can say that she is dehydrated too...
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
Blood pressure is not in control sys 155 and dys 98. plz tell antidote of arsenic alb.
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
Nux Vomica 30 three times only.

Blood pressure at that age is not high.

I think she has vertigo.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Yes doctor she has vertigo due to inner ear perhaps.. what do you suggest in this situation ??
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
in this emergency situation .. alopathic doctor recommended tablet. Serc 16mg , tablet. motillium. inj. Metoclon . Inj. Risek. and tblt. cotasmi for high BP. ... ! my mother has no energy to stand on her legs , she feels herself heavy and is filled with pain in legs , also she can neither sit nor can hold her neck or head... ! what do you suggest in this condition sir??
Zeeshan Ali 3 years ago
Just give her bio combination 28 and alfa alfa tonic,three times a day as per the dosage prescribed.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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