The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have read your other thread
Post regarding your allergy
Time and character of these feeling regarding pins pricking is it from inside to outside or vice verse outside to inside
Any particular food that triggers it
Is it24x7 if periodical timings
You mentioned it that it is the sun shine in winters which triggers this
I prescribed Glonoin due to sun shine
I m also an engineer
Post regarding your allergy
Time and character of these feeling regarding pins pricking is it from inside to outside or vice verse outside to inside
Any particular food that triggers it
Is it24x7 if periodical timings
You mentioned it that it is the sun shine in winters which triggers this
I prescribed Glonoin due to sun shine
I m also an engineer
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
I too have this pricking on the scalp from inside to outside on eating spicy foods and they become like small boils
Do not have Nux any more
Let me look up give me sometime
Do not have Nux any more
Let me look up give me sometime
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Try Kali Mur 30
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
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