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Osteomyelitis and gangrene with severe pain to touch

Hi my father is a 60 year old diabetic that had a previous amputation on his right big toe due to gangrene. He was sent home with iv antibiotics wich helped with the osteomyelitis but put him in a very bad state, he no longer wanted to eat while he was on medication and was so weak he couldnt walk. Once the treatment was over he looked more alive. Now 3 months later his pinky toe has gangrene and the osteomyelitis is back the doctor wants to put him back on the iv medicine and amputate agian the pinky on his right toe. Is there any hope for my father to help with the gangrene and osteomyelitis with homeopathy? I don't want him to go through that agian.
  Karen71 on 2022-01-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Secale Cornutum 200 05 drops in water/ 04 pills thrice a day for a week
Post symptoms as and when there is any change
Arnica Montana 200 same dose
[Edited by Kaps on 2022-01-12 15:53:10]
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi thank you for replying. I have a question. Is that 05 drops in water and 04 pills thrice a day for a week? Or 05 drops in water or 04 pills thrice a day? Thank you.
Karen71 3 years ago
It is either the drops OR pills
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi I did as prescribed but the gangrene seems to keep spreading slowly and the pain is unbearable for him. should I keep doing this or do I change it up? I noticed his foot is less swollen but it hurts a lot for him still.
Karen71 3 years ago
Try secale C 1M one drop thrice a day for three four days
Arnica M 200 thrice a day
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi unfortunately nothing worked 100% it would take the pain away for a bit but the pain was to much for him to handle. Currently we are at the hospital and doctors said he needs a Below the knee amputation. I'm writing as a last hope I attached a picture. Should this be amputated or is there any hope for my dad? Doctors said there was no hope since the infection spread to the bone.
[Edited by Karen71 on 2022-02-01 19:08:56]
Karen71 3 years ago
Where are you located
I m in India
How long do you take to procure the remedies
Kaps 3 years ago
Mag Phos 200x
Mag Phos 1M dilution for pain
Kaps 3 years ago
Send a pic of the affected area if it is not getting posted mail me Id Isi my profile
Kaps 3 years ago
I'm in the U.S I bought the remedies and the first one I did it for almost 3 weeks the last remedy was for a week.
Karen71 3 years ago
I know u r busy in the hospital but post reply ASAP
DONOT GO FOR AMPUTATION I can refer him to a very experienced homeopath
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi I sent the pictures on your email. I couldn't attach them on this site. Is there any hope for him?
[Edited by Karen71 on 2022-02-01 19:36:14]
Karen71 3 years ago
Aurum Met
All 1 M potency
Aurum (H hour clock time you give it )
Graphites H hour+ 30 minutes
Lachesis H + 30 minutes
Heloderma H + 30 minutes
Follow this for two cycles and post results if any
Post you must even if there is no change
It’s past midnight hope you get these ASAP

This is completely unorthodox trial
Actions Of Remedies

Aurum to make him mentally strong and clean the blood

Graphites to remove all free radicals from the body

Lachesis specific to gangrene

Heloderma for sugar control being researched in England as of early 2020

Dose 02 drops OR 02 pills

I suggest you involve the doctor and show this msg to him
Other than Lachesis I have personally tried these

Results expected ( significant improvement ) after 02 cylcles
Like you said last desperate trial
Kaps 3 years ago
The doctors have no hope for him. As I showed this to them they told me they don't believe in homeopathic remedies and suggested he go through with the amputation. He has poor leg circulation but I still trust the homeopathic remedies. Can I give him what you prescribed even though he is given morphine and narcotics. Will the homeopathic remedy work or should I take him home.
Karen71 3 years ago
See he has to lose a leg today or tomorrow up to knee or mid thigh
I have given the action of each remedy I suggest that you consult a doctor friend and ask if the actions of the remedies are executed what are the chances of recovery and I would like you to google injurie of snakebite by Lachesis Mutus if they resemble the condition of your father it will definitely work
In my opinion one chance three to four days must be given
Check ur mail too
Kaps 3 years ago
So what decision did you take
Kaps 3 years ago

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