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dog bite tetanus symptoms

bitten very badly on forearm by dog fractured a bone severed two arteries and bit through the arm completely the dr made a mistake and sewed up the wound i developed cellulitis and now i have tetany symptoms daily where the arm tingles burns prickles and swells gradually contracting in and crampingso that i can barely move the hand even a little at these times the discomfort and pressure within the hand is too much to be able to keep hand still to be able to sleep i have taken hypericum pyrogen rhus tox arsenicum and lachesis
the wound is healing but the paralysing epispodes and burning within the forearm continue please advise
if i have tetanus symptoms and have for three weeks is it safe to take tet tox 30c
im worried for an aggravation
glands in underarm are swollen there is no red streaking other than the redness creeping up arm before with the cellulitis rash which has now passed
  divinci1 on 2022-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For injuries of this type surgical intervention is a must. Your doctor must have prescribed you medicine to take care of infections and pain. If you have used those medicines and your problems still persist you may use Ledum Pallustre 30 first and then follow it with Hypericum 30 after one day. You may use both medicines not more than three doses each with 3 hour gap.
telescope 3 years ago
i have already had surgery and 3 weeks on intravenous and oral antibiotics and the pain and inflammation with contraction and stiffening of armhas continued last night i took silica 200 for antibiotic resistant bacteria and abcess and symptoms have abated
repeated dose this morning and symptoms have remained improved
my symptoms matched hypericum more than ledum and i have hyp 200 and 1m i have taken throughout the past two weeks silica has been the most effective so far
my question is can one take tet tox 30c when they have tetanus symptoms or is it preventative only ??
divinci1 3 years ago
the wound was initially sewed up after 1st surgery on 20 dec
cellulitis set in and i was hospitalised over a week later and surgery to open the wound was 1 jan the wound was closed too long and it seems the bacteria were anti biotic resistant
as the silica has done well to decrease all symptoms
divinci1 3 years ago
You use a medicine when symptoms match. Tetanus does not take so much time to develop, so I guess there is no need of tetanus medicine.
telescope 3 years ago

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