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Prostate secretion on chat with Girl Page 2 of 3

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Saksham do keep testing as yet because
Aloe is just for takin out the ill effects of previous remedies
Kaps 3 years ago

After 2 days, I should say Your remedy worked not just 10% but almost 25%.

Thank you from heart. May God bless you!
Shaksham 3 years ago
If you cud explain in the following terms
How much sexual thoughts
After how long during the thoughts the secretion starts
How much reduction in quantity? Has it reduced about 50%?
How often do your thoughts wander to sex

Have patience u will be fine?

Dwelling on sexual thoughts takes away a lot of energy ( more than running a sprint) and that too cranial energy the auto response is to get over it hence the secretion and PE
I do not want you to control your thoughts but divert them to something constructive or a physical activity

Post replies for further advise
Kaps 3 years ago
Dear sir

I've stopped myself from thinking about fantasies and all. Therefore, couldn't comment on that right now.

the quantity I would say had reduced to arind 25% but that would take time to confirm. I deliberately don't want to indulge in sexual thinking to confirm the effect of remedy.
[Edited by Shaksham on 2022-02-14 03:28:22]
Shaksham 3 years ago
Still how often your mind goes in that direction
I need to know the reply to above

Secretion of prostate.
As per Kent repertory
Which one is the most prominent in your case
Kaps 3 years ago

I avoid talking or seeing anything sensual..

my mind goes to think about my ex almost every 2-3 hrs, but that's because I am vacant now a days..

since I have completely avoided such things, can't comment on prostate secretion.

3 days ago I chatted to my ex for less than 1 minute and felt like some secretion so I ended the conversation and checked to gind the secretion was watery..just 2 drops. earlier it was thick..sperkling...sticky..

I have stopped talking fearing anything as such.

It leads to lower back pain when secretion is frequent and more. So, I stopped engaging in any such talk, seeing, etc.

Thank you
[Edited by Shaksham on 2022-02-14 15:04:56]
Shaksham 3 years ago
Indium Metallicum 200
2-3 drops thrice a day for three four days
Kaps 3 years ago
Dear Sir

should i take this one (same 3-4 days dose) in sane quantity as earlier ?

Thank you .
[Edited by Shaksham on 2022-02-14 16:17:47]
Shaksham 3 years ago
And Saksham you shud do some physical activity 60 - 90 minutes of brisk walk at least
Kaps 3 years ago
Dear Sir

doing moderate exercise Pushup, Squats, with 5kg dumbells. since last 4 days.

Even after having this problem, I was doing gym/3-5 km running (both not same day) but that didn't cure.

with your blessings, hope to get a new life.

Thank you so much
[Edited by Shaksham on 2022-02-14 19:27:52]
Shaksham 3 years ago
I too hope and pray that
Have patience
Kaps 3 years ago
Today, before sleeping thought a lot about my ex and ...heavy nightfall found after waking up.

Didn't even exercise as was felling weak due to nightfall.

Indicum Met 200 would be delivered tomorrow. Then I would start that.

Thank you.
Shaksham 3 years ago
Did you have any dreams or sensation while sleeping
OR you just realised this once you woke up
Indium will keep you free from such thoughts
Kaps 3 years ago
1 month ago it was sendual dreams then nightfall around 3 to 5 am in morning (early morning). Maybe dur to Energy buildup (no masturbation/no exercise) and sensual thinking.


For Todays observation only: No dreams, only realised this after waking up.

would soon start Indicum.
Is it Indicum or Indium ?

thank you sir
Shaksham 3 years ago
What do feel about the change ?
Is it a good sign or otherwise?
Kaps 3 years ago
When this fluid flows
Do you get an erection?
Does this happen just on thoughts or thinks of your ex or just dwelling on lascivious thoughts ? ( three answers)
What are the thoughts which rule your mind after thoda happens ?

Be specific
Kaps 3 years ago
Right now, I thought about my ex for 5 minutes and got 2 drops of precum (clear, NOT-watery thin, sticky). It depletes my energy and I'm think (less bone mass, thin wrists at the age of 29yrs).

1. Fluid secrets only when I have lascivious thoughts/kissing scene in movie, thinking in mental fantasies on seeing a very beautiful woman, it is quicker in case of my ex).

2. Erection happens during thought but goes away after the precum. after precum, even the thought won't arouse erection).

3. Thoughts like dreaming of fondling with the beautiful woman just seen, or of my ex what would be like hugging her..fondling with her..like)
Shaksham 3 years ago
I asked in the previous post about the change read that and reply
Kaps 3 years ago
The seemed to be good as the quantity of precum reduced. Even the precum didn't come on slight thought.

but now, I see it came in just 10 minutes of lascivious thought.

Should I get Indium Met 200 or wait ?
Shaksham 3 years ago
It is indium Metallicum
Look up the periodic table of chemistry
It is must for you
You said it is likely to arrive
Kaps 3 years ago
Upon observation, I find that the precium secrets within 5 minutes when the woman is very very beautiful as per my mind...and when mind thinks about her beauty just for even 5 minutes.
after the precum, I won't get erection for 15-20 minutes even by thinking about/looking at the same beautiful woman.
[Edited by Shaksham on 2022-02-21 09:21:32]
Shaksham 3 years ago
Take Indium Metallicum as prescribed and then post
Hope you have started taking it .
Kaps 3 years ago
actually, my order failed to ship.
now, I have ordered 30ml of Indium Met 200 (less than 30ml was nowhere available).

I must say Aloe 200 worked, though not cured.

Also, while searching for Indium Met 200.., I saw this medicine Adven Teston Forte, which contains Prostate 2D as composition..I never heard of any homeopathy medicine in this name.. so thought to share with you.

I think Indium would reach in 4-5 days approx, then I would start.

many thanks 🙏
[Edited by Shaksham on 2022-02-24 03:52:45]
Shaksham 3 years ago
Which part of the world are you located in?
Kaps 3 years ago
Prostrate is an animal sacrode
Forgotten that you do not have to look for remedies yourself
Kaps 3 years ago
Yes, I don't have to look for remedies myself.
Shaksham 3 years ago

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