The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Healing process of “Rectal fistula”
Hello all, I'm concern about "Rectal fistula" since i'm going thru this problem, that's why i am searching for a way out from this problem. My preference is homeopath treatment rather than conventional treatment. So after surfing internet and consult with homeopathic experts locally and online they give me an idea, according themHomeopathy first control the infection which helps to prevent the formation and development of abscess. Then start to develop new fabrics to close down the stretch. When tissues are restored, the opening of fistula get closed and cured permanently. Homeopathy can abort the tendency to abscess formation and suppuration by increasing resistance. So it can thus avoid the hindrances to cure by helping the healing process to continue naturally without interference. Also, to heal the fistula, first of all, the flow of fluid must get stopped since the draining fluid itself acts as a layer of separation to resist healing. For that, the tendency to fluid collection and suppuration must be stopped. Homeopathy provides this without any surgical measure. If the flow gets stopped, the pathway dries up naturally and shrinks to get close approximation for better healing.
My question to the qualified homeopath in this forum :
(1) Isn’t it necessary to close the internal opening of fistula to stop the flow of fluid and to abort the tendency to abscess formation and suppuration ??
(2) Since the bowl is excreted through the anus at least once in 24 hours, is it possible for internal opening to dried up and close completely ??
Simon42 on 2022-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.
What stands out are the most striking, uncommon, peculiar, rare and strange characteristic signs and symptoms, which indeed are the pointers towards individualising a person, the key for the selection of the most suited medicine ..PQRS or Rare,Uncommon,Peculiar, Striking ((RUPS)
-Heaviness and stricture of rectum; sensation of heat and burning in rectum; itching, pulsating in rectum, aggr. sitting; after stool burning weight and itching in anus; cutting as if still more would come; fullness and pressing out of the anus.
-Violent burning in anus, as if surrounding parts were sore; frequent and constant desire for stool; burning, stitching pains during, before and after stool painful pressure in perineum, stitches in perineum, extending deep into (left side of) pelvis; tearing extending around anus; short cough and chest complaints; biliary colic; tetter on edge of anus.
-After surgical interference for the fistula. Fistula ani alternating with chest symptoms or in persons who have pains in joints with every spell of cold stormy weather, especially in tall, slim persons; burning and pulsating in anus; bearing down towards anus; sore feeling in anus when getting up in the morning.
-Frequent, sudden, penetrating, pressive pain in rectum; anus very sensitive to contact; itching and sticking in rectum.
-Fistula ani with constipation, piles and ulceration; offensive, dirty-looking discharge from anus, obliging him to wear a bandage.
-Fistula ani in drunkards with tendency to pulmonary complications.
-Gastritis and constipation, aggr. after mental exertions, after eating.
-Ulceration of rectum, with discharge of pus and blood; tuberculosis in tall, slender, rapidly growing persons, suffering from frequent bronchial attacks.
-Fistula in ano with chest symptoms; sharp stitches in rectum while walking; abdominal pains amel. by warmth; suppuration of abscess; purulent sputa.
The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.
What stands out are the most striking, uncommon, peculiar, rare and strange characteristic signs and symptoms, which indeed are the pointers towards individualising a person, the key for the selection of the most suited medicine ..PQRS or Rare,Uncommon,Peculiar, Striking ((RUPS)
-Heaviness and stricture of rectum; sensation of heat and burning in rectum; itching, pulsating in rectum, aggr. sitting; after stool burning weight and itching in anus; cutting as if still more would come; fullness and pressing out of the anus.
-Violent burning in anus, as if surrounding parts were sore; frequent and constant desire for stool; burning, stitching pains during, before and after stool painful pressure in perineum, stitches in perineum, extending deep into (left side of) pelvis; tearing extending around anus; short cough and chest complaints; biliary colic; tetter on edge of anus.
-After surgical interference for the fistula. Fistula ani alternating with chest symptoms or in persons who have pains in joints with every spell of cold stormy weather, especially in tall, slim persons; burning and pulsating in anus; bearing down towards anus; sore feeling in anus when getting up in the morning.
-Frequent, sudden, penetrating, pressive pain in rectum; anus very sensitive to contact; itching and sticking in rectum.
-Fistula ani with constipation, piles and ulceration; offensive, dirty-looking discharge from anus, obliging him to wear a bandage.
-Fistula ani in drunkards with tendency to pulmonary complications.
-Gastritis and constipation, aggr. after mental exertions, after eating.
-Ulceration of rectum, with discharge of pus and blood; tuberculosis in tall, slender, rapidly growing persons, suffering from frequent bronchial attacks.
-Fistula in ano with chest symptoms; sharp stitches in rectum while walking; abdominal pains amel. by warmth; suppuration of abscess; purulent sputa.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hello all, greetings, this is about "Fistula in ano"
The external opening of the fistula may be heal/dried and closed by using or taking homeopath remedies which is visible and comparatively easy but how homeopath remedies heal/cured and close the internal opening, that is not understandable for the people who are not having enough knowledge about homeopathy, Can anyone help.
The external opening of the fistula may be heal/dried and closed by using or taking homeopath remedies which is visible and comparatively easy but how homeopath remedies heal/cured and close the internal opening, that is not understandable for the people who are not having enough knowledge about homeopathy, Can anyone help.
Simon42 3 years ago
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