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Finger Wart on my 2 and a half year old son.

My son has had a finger wart on his ring finger on his left hand for almost a year now and it has gotten bigger and another one as appeared right next to it. They are sometimes white with many small horns. They have not bleed and they don't seem to hurt or bother him but they are large. We have not tried any homeopathic remedies yet as I am not sure where to start. He was taking 5 small pellets of Thuja for a few days and it did not seem to help. Was going to get him the following but not sure on the dosage.

Start Thuja again
Calcarea carbonica
Antimonium Crudum

PLEASE HELP! They have not spread anywhere else but have gotten bigger for his tiny hands. Thank you.
  crissarose7 on 2022-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How is he otherwise
Any peculiar habits like too stubborn behaviour with others kids strangers food preferences and aversions

Post a pic of the wart
[Edited by Kaps on 2022-02-17 02:36:01]
Kaps 3 years ago
You did mention what potency of Calcarea Carb and other remedies have you got if you have got them
Kaps 3 years ago
He was late to walk and Is very clumsy (always falling and bruises easily). He is not talking just babbling. He likes to stick his thumb in his ear as if it is bother him, but hasn't shown any sign of pain or anything.

He had bad reactions to vaccines but doctor didn't want to admit it so he but him on antibiotics for first year of his life. Stop those at 10 months and stopped vaccination at 18 months.

Very Stubborn; thrill seeker. Loves other people hugs and kisses to everyone. Doesn't really like other kids, runs the other way prefers adults.

Will eat anything, mostly plant based; good diet.

I only have Thuja 200K I have not yet purchased anything else.

Hard to take a good picture, won't hold still.
crissarose7 3 years ago
Picture of Wart on finger
[Edited by crissarose7 on 2022-02-17 18:48:30]
crissarose7 3 years ago
Also, his nose has dark boogies in it at most times at home, went away when we were in warmer weather but nasally during winter.
crissarose7 3 years ago
Give him a dose of thuja 200 empty stomach ( once he wakes up make him rinse his mouth give him thuja and nothing orally or brushing for 20 minutes)

Just ONE dose of liquid 2-3 drops in little water
If pills 2 pills
Post after two three days on his other symptoms the pic of finger was not attached my email Id is on my profile you may mail me
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi, I emailed you pic of his finger. I gave him the Thuja 200 for three days. He got stomach bug on the fourth. But before that he seemed to be a little calmer but wart is still there and big! What do you suggest we can do next? Thank you.
crissarose7 3 years ago
I did not get mail as yet
No more Thuja or any other remedy
Post on size and character of the wart any change in colour and hardness after two three days
Send the mail again
Also update on the stomach bug
[Edited by Kaps on 2022-02-27 03:00:56]
Kaps 3 years ago
The wart has gotten harder, white tiny bumps and some black ones! Looks bigger too. Stomach bug wasn't bad over after 24 hours. Anything else recommend?
crissarose7 2 years ago
Mail a pic of the wart
Kaps 2 years ago
Won't let me attach picture here. I will email it. Coming from Crissarose7
[Edited by crissarose7 on 2022-05-13 18:19:00]
crissarose7 2 years ago
Seen the mail and pics of the wart any itching on the wart
Is he on any medications ?

Thumb in the ear hope his ears are fine no itching or scruff on the outer ear ?
Any other changes that you noticed other Thuja other than the stomach issues like his thrill seeking or stubbornness or avoiding other kids talking
How is his stomach in general
Kaps 2 years ago

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