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clairvoyant or psychosis? Seeing figures, hearing voices, afraid of dark, scared of being alone

clairvoyant or psychosis? Seeing figures, hearing voices, afraid of dark, scared of being alone

Child was hospitalized at 9 months old and went through several treatments and icu was unresponsive and in bad shape. Then was scared of many noises after that sirens, loud speaking, knocks on door, they panic and screams and still does this at 10 years old.sleeps under covers, scared of dark, scared of seeing ghosts etc. Has seen figures in room and saw a child in bathroom who needed her help. Afraid of being left alone in any room.

if she realizes shes left alone in room wil scream and run in panic.

nightmares at times
shifts from moods very fast crying and depressed and low self esteem to laughing wildly.

Is this pdychosis or are they clairvoyant?
[Edited by Lala123 on 2022-12-22 09:41:36]
  Lala123 on 2022-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How old is the child now
Any other habits like being stubborn, not mixing with other kids, which kids usually have
Any other health issues
Hunger thirst
How is her sleep how many times does she wake up at night ?
Anything very peculiar about her
[Edited by Kaps on 2022-02-20 04:20:15]
Kaps 3 years ago

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