The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hyland's brand remedies - Standard vs. Biochemic
Regarding the recent question of 'standard' versus 'biochemic" remedies, I wrote to Hyland's to see what they said about their own remedies. Here is my note to them and their response.I thought I would post this for informational purposes.
(original note)
I recently discovered that there are standard homeopathic remedies and something called 'biochemic' remedies.
It appears that standard remedies are made by diluting the mother tincture with ethanol until the desired potency is reached, and then lactose is added to the remedy for final production into pellets or globules.
'Biochemic' remedies use no ethanol, and only lactose is used to dilute the mixture to the desired potency. The final product is made into tablets (as opposed to pellets or globules).
Which method does Hyland's use?'
(response from Hyland's)
'Thank you for your inquiry regarding our products.
Our company uses both processes, as we are a full-line homepathic manufacturer. We use a process similar to the one you describe as standard to manufacture our pellet dosage forms. And we use the latter process that you describe as biochemic to make our products in tablet form. We do not, however, use these terms to describe our remedies.
We hope this information has been helpful, and look forward to being of continued service.
Aniko Lengyel, Pharm.D.
Truthfinder on 2006-05-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am glad that you took this matter up with Hylands and you will note that they did not define the Standard with the Biochemic both of which they manufacture.
I would invite other more experienced homeopaths on thiis forum to share their experience on the use of Biochemic remedies versus Standard remedies in Ethanol for ailments.
I would invite other more experienced homeopaths on thiis forum to share their experience on the use of Biochemic remedies versus Standard remedies in Ethanol for ailments.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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