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2 year old girl not speaking yet Page 2 of 4

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Dear John Stanton,

I was hoping to hear your answer regarding the remedy palletes size tonight (its 10:30 pm here in Arizona), because I am so excited I recieved the remedy I want to start my daughter on it immediatley tomorrow morning. Sorry if I am being pushy, I am just so excited to start her on it.

Thank you so much,
Hopefull Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
ok--excuse delay--and talk backs...

spring water ok
plastic bottle ok
size pellets- use 2 pellets

change preparation as follows--

2 pellets in 4 oz water in water water --shake/thump on book (count 3)--1 teaspoon of this in 4 oz water in drinking glass--stir heavy--give teaspoon dose... (label nat-m 200c) and save in frig water bottle solution--discard drinking glass mix..wash well...

dose is to be taken in morning (empty stomach) -at least 1 hour before first eating

no repeat dose --

keep me closely informed...

John Stanton last decade

havs child follow dietary restrictions as metioned in posts further back in thread...


your not being pushy..understandable joy for child sake...yet we need to observe response or lack of response to treatment --this is process that has own pace--with factors as wrong prescription -dose repetition -blockages -dietary ---so not trying sell you on easy way--but i am here and will follow case til you decide no need my suggestions..
John Stanton last decade
Dear John Stanton,
I gave my daughter the remedy 3 hours ago.

I have tears of happiness in my eyes and its hard to type this: I never seen her so calm. This is amazing. She is a completely different child.
I gave it to her at 7 am upon rising. She stayed calm and did not cry or whine as she usually does for her morning rice milk. She didn't seem hungry at all (and this child is ALWAYS hungry..)

She was just calm, not demanding (!!!) no whining !!! I love it. After she had her rice milk, I mad her a sandwich with smoked turkey (is that too salty for her?) but she refused to eat. She usually skips breakfast and asks for a second cup of milk, so this was not unusual. She did not ask for a second cup of milk this time. She was simply satisfied.
After breakfast I did observe a little agression from her towards our dog. This is usual with her.
I took her to her pre-school and she stayed calm.

I hope this continues. I am so happy. I am so thankful to you. Just tell me what I need to do next. I hope she will be talking soon.

I am waiting for your instructions,
My husband and I thank you so much,

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
calm /reduce hunger---well could be over actin of nat-m--will see..no other dose at this time..need observe with patience..

ever in child's life observed this calm or reduced hunger?if so when?

best no salted foods..and acids as mentioned..
John Stanton last decade
Unfortuanatley She got lots of different remedies in the past. Until now we were under the treatment of classical homeopath (the rest of the family still are, but that's for a whole new thread).
Her constitution remedy before baryta Carb, was phosphorus, he started her on that about a year ago - she started on 30C, once every 6 weeks (approx.) and before he moved her to baryta she was already on 1M phos.

Through out this time both her and my older daughter were constantly (on and off) sick: colds, especially coughs, mostly dry night coughs for her (her older sister is a little different). and through this time she got different remedies for the colds, she's been on Bell, on Ferrum Phos. on calc phos,on arnica, on arsenicum, on aconite, on pullsatilla, on Staphysagria, on DulCamara, on chamomile for teething. most on the above remedies were 30C some were upped to 200c and even 1m while she was treated for acute stuff. And this is just what I logged in my calendar, there were more. I am uploading a snapshot of a list given to her from my calendar - again, I didn't always logged everything so its not the whole picture. When you'll see this snapshot , maybe you will understand my negative emotions with the classical treatment she receievd so far and my despair regarding her health.

Its funny you asked if I ever observed this calm, because since this morning this question is in my head, almost like I saw her calm like that before. Ithink (but i am NOT sure, so dont hold me to it), that she displayed this calm when the day he moved her from Phos 30C to 200C. but again - I am not sure.
I am realy hoping this is it, this is the right remedy, because her calm this morning was very good, very deep, and it felt right.

Thank you for your attention and care,

Loving Mom

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LovingMom last decade
ok---i see...recuring colds---how exactly have you seen the symptom characteristics change over months..?please explain
John Stanton last decade
I am sorry. I do not understand the question.
'the symptom characteristics change over months?'
is this regarding her colds ? If so.. they are mainly coughs, dry night coughs, but she does have a lot of nasal congestion/drainage. again, its all on and off. I do not recall straight 10 days that she didnt have 'something' (a cold/cough/ etc.)

Is this what you were asking ? I am sorry If I am way off...

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
Actually not just 'night coughs' its more 'laying down' coughs since she also have the coughs during nap time.
LovingMom last decade
This could be important and I forgot to mention: I nursed her until she was 16 months old.
LovingMom last decade
yes -i was refering to frequent colds..

what noted that triggers colds?when exactly was last cold like symptoms (date)?
John Stanton last decade
Her runny nose and coughs are so often, I dont know what triggers them. In the past I used to think that she gets sick after a fight between me and my husband, but for a long time we have a wonderful harmony in the house and the colds are still there - so I dont think that was it (maybe partially ?)

You asked when was the last time - Yesterday! the whole day yesterday her nose was runny. She coughed very little and slept though the night. She woke up with a little bit of green crusts in her eyes. Then I gave her the Natrum M. I dont think today she had any runny nose.
LovingMom last decade
My husband once said that her health is a barometer of our relationship (mine and his). I remember this clearly, it made a big impression on me. When we focused on that our relationship got so much better.

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
A quick update for the first day:
She had a very calm day. We had only very few incidents where she was upset. those were towards the evening/night.

Her nose seemed dry most of the day. my husband took her into the pool (summer is here), and her nose was a little runny after that. No coughs. she went to sleep easily.
She didn't hit her sister even once today!!

I did observe twice that she was aggressive to our dog. and once she pulled my hair - I was surprised because she never showed aggression towards me before. It was when I put her to sleep. when I told her hat she hurt mommy, she kept on saying 'no no no'. almost like saying that she didn't mean it, She hugged me afterwards and fell asleep easily.
Her face color through out the day was wonderful, her cheeks were rosy and she was happy.

I am having some difficuly with the low sodium diet. everything has sodium in it. She doesnt eat things like chicken or beef, so until now I used to ge her smoked turkey and make sandwiches. it is very salty so we cant use it anymore, so I am short on ideas on what to feed her....

We are doing excellent on the no acidic stuff though. that one is easy although she loves fruits and is used to eat at least two fruits a day. .

Overall she was exceptionaly calm and happy today.

what do we do next ?

Thank you!

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
barometer of husband and your relation...this pattern can be established during pregnancy and breast feeding...child develop intuition trigger by inner sense..becomes a natural respnse--yet this in fcat how all dis-ease operates--patterns engrained...

anyway--our main concern is to keep child in good atmosphere..watch diet ...child is more resilient than know..so reduce sodium--.and maintain NO acids as already doing...

let me know how her sleep was in morning?also mood and whatever observed? this is a observe and access stage now...
John Stanton last decade
Something else about my baby.
When she was 4 months old we thought we can go on a California family trip with our RV. This involved a lot of driving time, sitting in the car. My daughter hates being stripped in the car seat (it actually got better, maybe since all trips we take now are very short). She needs to be able to be free and move (even before she walked or crawled) , she couldn’t be strapped. Never the less - the trip was a disaster, she screamed the whole time, she was miserable. But we had to move on. Although we took lots of breaks, we had to get back home somehow... we cut the trip short, but it didn't matter : she cried for hours and hours. It was very traumatic for her. Also traumatic for the rest of the family.

I bring this up because I remember her being a very good baby. An angel baby I used to call her, then I was trying to think when she became irritated and whiney, and I think maybe that was when she “flipped”. I am not sure though.

Thinking of the “must be free” thing and cannot be strapped in the car seat, I remembered that she also couldn’t stay in her baby cribs that has bars (like jail). For more than a year now she sleeps on a large futon mattress on the floor.

Basically: being restricted or confined aggravates her!

More on that: she is a very loving to other kids: she likes o touch and hug other kids especially younger then her. HOWEVER she doesn’t like to be hugged or touched by others. I bring this up because my husband pointed out that since the Natrum M. she lets him touch her much more and hug her.

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
My husband thinks she was crancky before our california trip - so maybe I am wrong on that
LovingMom last decade
Status report: Since this morning (second day). She is still much calmer than she used to be before Natrum M. She watched TV for an hour just sitting calmly in front of it - this never happened before.
She is overall very happy. Seems more active than yesterday.
However, compared to yesterday she is slightly more irritated and a little whiney when she doesn't get her way. But again, comparing to before the natrum M. she is STILL amazingly calmer - like 85% calmer (today). yesterday she was 95% calmer than before the Natrum M.
LovingMom last decade
I forget to mention that she woke up exactly at midnight. she usually sleeps through the night without waking up.
she asked for milk and banana but i gave her only water. she went back to sleep no problem and woke up calm and with a smile.
LovingMom last decade
what is the status of cold-like symptoms that wer appearing recently?please explain
John Stanton last decade
OK--- its 5 pm now and things have changed:
Regarding her cold; when she woke up today her nose was dry. no other symptoms. throughout the day she had several occurances of slightly runny nose. Mostly after she cried (will explain later). It was running clear mocus but when it dries around her nostrils it was darker. No other cold symptoms.

About her mood today: it started pretty good, but through out the day she became more and more irritated. She was aggressive to our dog several times (pinching and pullng at his skin) and once to me (she pinched the side of my face) if we dont do what she wants (dance with her; go out; go bye bye; ) she starts to whine again. when she was aggressive to the dog I yelled at her and told her to lay on the carpet (That's her 'time out') and she cried (that's when the runny nose starts..)
She cries 'no no no' many times. it started yesterday night the 'no no no', and she says it after she is being aggressive and I skold her.

Now my husband is with her and our older daughter in the pool. She is happy (she is always happy and content when she is having fun or when things go her way)

when do we give her another remedy :) ?

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
Let me add that we live in the Phoenix valley. The pollution is worst than it ever was. EVERYONE suffers from some kind of sinus thing. Maybe her colds are related.
LovingMom last decade
no no no--how has this different than before nat-m?please explain---

as far as aggresiveness-how is this compared to before nat-m? please explain

only cold like symptoms when doesnt get her way?
John Stanton last decade
She was able to say the word no before, but never said 'no no no' when was skolded before the natrum M. I feel its like saying 'I didn't mean it'. or maybe 'don't skold me' or 'don't be angry at me'.

the aggresiveness is different than before the nat-m because she seems more aggressive to the dog than she was before. however less agressive to her sister. and developed a whole new aggression towards me - which she didn't have before the nat-m.

I just put her to sleep and again she pinched me and then hit me. but seemed to immidiatley regret that. when I skolded her she kept on saying 'no no no' almost like 'dont be mad at me'

I am not sure. I wish I had a clearer answers for you.

(when ) do you think you tell us to give her another dose ?

Thank you so much,
Loving mom
LovingMom last decade
Good morning.
My baby woke up with a smile, but was hungry and as it was before the nat-M. demanded her milk. did not stop until she got her milk.

Its 8:30 and she already cried like 3 or 4 times regarding different things (i.e. we don't allow her to play with the water in our bathroom). she is easily irritated.

15 minutes ago she threw up a little and then she had a huge diarrhea. Do I give her Arsenicum album?

She now plays with her sister and she seems happy.

Should I do anything regarding the diarrhea ?

My husband and I ask if you can explain when do you think you will give her another dose, or different dose. We realy liked her the first day she took the nat-m.

WE are excited to continue per your advise and try realy hard to be patient.

Thank you so much,

Loving Mom
LovingMom last decade
I have another question:
I know that Cherry juice alkalize the body. should I give her that ?


Loving Mom

LovingMom last decade

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