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Very sensitive and allergic eyes

My 10 years old son has allergies and often get cold cough, in addition to that he gets itchy eyes and sometimes yellow discharge as well. Recently he is so sensitive to water that even when water touches his eyes his eyes become red and a white discharge starts flowing and his eyes remain swelled up for couple of days. I tried giving him bellodona 30 and it felt like it is helping him in not getting the situation worst but I really want to treat his eyes now as how long he can avoid water touch to his eyes and keep on suffering from allergies.

All the expert comments are appreciated.
Please help.
  karishma on 2006-05-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
is quality of water questinable?TREATED (CHLORINE ;FLOURINE..ETC)?or any sort of water give this effect? is temperature of water a factor?when exactly this start?what symptoms existed before eye symptoms mentioned occurred?what meds used of lately besides beladonna (allopathic /homoeopathic)?
John Stanton last decade
Water quality has been same for last 7-8 years and it is clorine treated but the problem starts when he is having allergies (from dust,grass etc) in general.Any sort of water gives the same effects.No other medicine is used besides beladonna.
karishma last decade
when allergies first noticed occurring?date?

what vaccination child have ?when (date)?

what other illnesses child treated for?when(date)?how treated?
John Stanton last decade
Around 2 yrs back in allergy season March and April for him.
He has not have any vaccination for may be 4 yrs now.
No other problem.
karishma last decade
what illness before allergies start? thik careful and write information/details--vague answers not help..
John Stanton last decade
I dont have more info than this, Thanks for your help.
karishma last decade
well we are in a fix then--you think it over maybe you ask someone who remembers child health state prior to allergy starting...or what was going on back then prior to occurance of allergy?
John Stanton last decade
Anybody else please to help with eye allergies?

karishma last decade
Please give him one doze of Argentum Nitricum-200 and report after three days.Orally you can use EUPHRASIA Eye drops prepared by Dolisos France 2/3 times a day.

Dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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