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Functional cyst and fertility

I’m 44 and been on this horrific fertility journey still hoping for a miracle. I’ve had ivf and a couple of Letrozole cycles. I have 2 functional cysts on my right ovary (one is new in last period, the other is over a year old) . During egg collection in December during ivf, they did drain the cyst but it’s either refilled or it’s another one. The treatments have resulted in a functional cyst which means I can’t do any treatment until they go and I’m running out of time to try and get pregnant as have odd hot flashes, weight gain and insomnia which I think are periomenopause.

I also have a small endometrioma on right ovary that has been stable for 10 plus years and fibroids.

Any one able to recommend remedy for most importantly the ovarian cysts? I would love remedies for everything else I’ve mentioned but the cysts and fertility is biggest thing now.
  Ras123 on 2023-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Fill out the case taking form on my profile.
Ziomih last year
Thank you 🙏🏽

Physical Characteristics: 
How would you describe your build and physique (e.g., thin, average, stocky)?
I used to be thin size xs before fertility treatment for my whole adult life. Now I’m a small size so average.

Do you tend to be warm or chilly in terms of body temperature? Used to always be cold. In last year feel sometimes cold sometimes hot flash or hot feet.

Are there any physical peculiarities or characteristics that youve noticed about yourself? Cherry Angioma on body last few years. 

Emotional and Mental Traits: 
Describe your general mood and temperament (e.g., calm, anxious, irritable, cheerful). Anxious, stressed

How do you typically react to stress or difficult situations? 
Are there any fears or phobias that you have?
Dogs not on leads and lighting matches.

Do you have any specific emotional patterns or triggers that youve observed in yourself?
Failure, fear, rejection, trauma, disappointment, not worthy- all feelings I get. Lead to further anxiety, depression. Become more introverted and withdrawn from wanting to socialise with family events. I also throw myself into my work for distraction. 

Sleep Patterns: 
How is the quality of your sleep? Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Falling asleep not too bad but many nights I get up to go to the loo. I sometimes fall back asleep but during luteal phase of cycle, fertility treatment or pregnancy can’t get back to sleep until just before I have to get up.

Are there any recurring dreams or themes in your dreams that you remember? No

Do you feel refreshed after sleep, or do you wake up tired? Depends on sleep quality 

Appetite and Cravings: 
Describe your appetite. Are you typically hungry or not very hungry? Used to never eat much all my life. Am comfort eating since fertility struggles and associated depression. The weight gain due to habits, drugs etc is really getting me down. Exercising regularly but still gaining weight and can’t fit in my clothes. Weight gain mostly on lower half of body (hips, legs, thighs, bottom, bit on tummy). Never in my life struggled with weight gain before.

Do you have any specific food cravings or aversions? Cravings usually carbohydrates salty or sweet. 

Energy Levels: 
How would you describe your overall energy levels (e.g., high energy, easily fatigued)? Easily fatigued

Do you have specific times of the day when your energy is better or worse? Late Afternoon onwards feel more tired

Weather Preferences: 
Are there any weather conditions or changes in weather that you are particularly sensitive to? Not sure 
Do you feel better or worse in certain weather conditions? Not sure 

Ailments or Health Issues: 
Are there any chronic health issues or ailments youve experienced over the years? Acne, white hair, dry skin on hands after cleaning with chemicals or in the cold. Bloating, endometriosis, fibroids, infertility, reoccurring miscarriages.
Shortness of breath and palpitations for a few days about a week after ovulation and daily when pregnant or on progesterone drug.
Have Thyroid Antibodies so risk of Hashimotos.

Have you noticed any recurring patterns in your health issues or symptoms? 

Behavior and Habits: 
Describe any specific habits or behaviors that you feel define you. Washing hands, clean house, no clutter

Do you have any preferences or aversions related to activities or hobbies? Don’t like adrenaline hobbies like fair rides, speed boat, racing, the sea.
[Edited by Ras123 on 2023-10-09 17:42:38]
Ras123 last year
Gynecological History for Women
Any Sexual disturbance?

Menarche (At what Age did the 1st Menses appear)?

Menopause: Age when menses stopped. Any complaints/symptoms associated with it.

Date of Last Menstrual Period?

Menses : (Regular / Irregular /Early /Late /Painful Non

Duration of cycle: (After how many days you get your periods.)

Duration of flow: (For how many days the Bleeding remains).

Character of flow :
(Thin/Fresh/Clotted/ Intermittent/ Dark/ Bright Red/ Black/ Stringy / Irritating )

Amount of flow : Scanty/Less / More /Profuse

Odour : Offensive/ Strong Smelly/ Normal

If Painful Menses: (location and character, Is it Continuous or Spasmodic?) Breast pain or hardness of the breast.

When does it start, any relation of pain with flow of blood. How does the pain Increases or Decreases?

Any other symptom associated (e.g. Headache, Backache, Vomiting, Vertigo, and Faintness etc.
Vaginal Itching).

Leucorrhoea / Watery Discharge: (Thin / Thick/ Stringy; Scanty / Moderate / Profuse; Irritating / Burning /Bland; Color – White/ Transparent / Milky/ Yellow/ Bloody etc. Smell – Offensive / Non Offensive; Staining / Non Staining.

Intermenstrual Bleeding : (Yes / No)

Any PMT: (Pre Menstrual tension)? Do you have any complaints associated with, before, or after menses? e.g. Moods Swing , Headache, irritability Anger Weeping Depression Diarrhea or Constipation

Any change in your skin around menses?

Contraceptive History: - Oral Pills/ IUCDs/ Tubectomy & the effects thereafter
Ziomih last year
Gynecological History for Women
Any Sexual disturbance?

Menarche (At what Age did the 1st Menses appear)? Around 12

: Age when menses stopped. Any complaints/symptoms associated with it. Not stopped

Date of Last Menstrual Period? 3rd October

Menses : (Regular / Irregular /Early /Late /Painful Non
Painful?) regular. Not usually painful but this last period was painful.

Duration of cycle: (After how many days you get your periods.) Cycles shorter over the years used to be 30 days before early 30s. Since fertility medication or related to age cycle changes noticed. 2 cycles were 24 days and last one 34 which is unusual. Usually 27-28 days.

Duration of flow: (For how many days the Bleeding remains). this cycle 7 days usually 6-7 days with two days spotting before.

Character of flow :
(Thin/Fresh/Clotted/ Intermittent/ Dark/ Bright Red/ Black/ Stringy / Irritating )
Normally start with spotting pink which turns red or dark and then red.
Not usually clotted but last cycle was clotted.
Have had a couple more f more watery periods this year.

Amount of flow : Scanty/Less / More /Profuse
Periods a bit lighter overall in last year or so but were heavy before. The 2 short cycles the flow was lighter and a couple of days shorter.usually day 1/2 heavier and then slows.

Odour : Offensive/ Strong Smelly/ Normal

If Painful Menses: (location and character, Is it Continuous or Spasmodic?) Breast pain or hardness of the breast.

Had heaviness in pelvis and discomfort on right ovary side. Pressure on bladder too. Can’t get flat tummy now.

When does it start, any relation of pain with flow of blood. How does the pain Increases or Decreases?
Not noticed that generally. Last period was crampy and had clots.

Any other symptom associated (e.g. Headache, Backache, Vomiting, Vertigo, and Faintness etc.
Vaginal Itching).

Usually neck pain before period. Disturbed sleep couple of days before spotting starts. Feel tired and like I have slight fever the day before bleeding.

/ Watery Discharge: (Thin / Thick/ Stringy; Scanty / Moderate / Profuse; Irritating / Burning /Bland; Color – White/ Transparent / Milky/ Yellow/ Bloody etc. Smell – Offensive / Non Offensive; Staining / Non Staining.

Intermenstrual Bleeding : (Yes / No)

Spotting before period. Sometimes 4-5 days beforehand. Last cycle was taking progesterone pessaries so started spotting whilst taking them. I stopped taking them after a negative pregnancy test 13 days after ovulation. Spotted two days before period.

I spot every month and have done since stopping contraceptive pill over 10 years ago. Pill was to control endometriosis after surgery.

Any PMT: (Pre Menstrual tension)? Do you have any complaints associated with, before, or after menses? e.g. Moods Swing , Headache, irritability Anger Weeping Diarrhea or Constipation

Yes irritable, must clean and tidy.

Any change in your skin around menses?
Spots either week before period or week after period.

Contraceptive History: - Oral Pills/ IUCDs/ Tubectomy & the effects thereafter

Contraceptive pill taken for acne in teens and twenties. Then again after endometriosis surgery at doctors advice.

Do you need to know about fertility treatment, miscarriages or any tests related to that?
Ras123 last year
Any fear in the dark and suicidal thoughts?

What is the effect of consolation on you?

Aversion/desire to music?

Any history of Venereal Diseases (e.g – Gonorrhoea , Syphllis, Herpes , AIDS.)?
[Edited by Ziomih on 2023-10-11 12:39:41]
Ziomih last year
Any fear in the dark and suicidal thoughts?
No fear in dark
Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth being here with all the bad things in my life but I’ve never thought about actually of committing suicidal and never would.

What is the effect of consolation on you? Depends who it’s from. From husband I feel a bit better or less alone.

Aversion/desire to music?

When I’m feeling very anxious, stressed, tired or unwell do not like loud noise or music and prefer quiet or tv on low especially in evening. In car, daytime, sometimes like music.

Any history of Venereal Diseases (e.g – Gonorrhoea , Syphllis, , AIDS.)?

None of the STIs. I have had cold sores though. Used to get as child when unwell. As adult have had only few when very unwell or severely rundown or trauma. I did get something like a cold sore on my thumb knuckle last year.
I also had some small warts on my left hand fingers this year. Had treatment to get rid of. Seen a couple very small ones coming again.
Ras123 last year
Pulsatilla 6c BD. Give weekly feedback.

Dosing: see my profile.
Ziomih last year
Thank you. Is this for the cysts or fertility?

I am ordering it online. Do I get nigricans or nuttalliana
Ras123 last year
Ziomih last year

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