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Dose explanation

I am trying to figure out what this prescription of secale cornutum was:

Plan: Secale cor 10M daily; single dose in water (as deviation); for one month.

After this he could run and he started to jog, play and ride his cycle. He could also play his regular volleyball.

Seems to me like 1 dose diluted in water , maybe 1 tablespoon everyday?
  Poirot on 2023-10-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dont repeat. Single dose is enough. Overdose brings provings/aggravations. 10M is so high potency. If he feels well, after 3 months, you may go for higher single dose.
mrmhm 9 months ago
This is a case that has been treated already with one dose of 10 m everyday!

Yes seems much, but it says 10m daily. Before that the patient received 1m 2 time/week. Maybe secale is working different?

There is little info on secale cases.
Poirot 9 months ago
Cant post the link to the whole case, but interesting the lower doses were prescribed once per month. 30ch 1 month 1 dose, after a month 200ch 1 dose per month.

After that the progress was small and continued with 1m 2/week for 1 month and next month 10m in water daily 1 dose. Thats whats confusing me because 1 daily dose of 10m will do a lot of damage but maybe the prescriber found out that splitting one 10 m dose in water can be given safely every day.
[Edited by Poirot on 2023-10-19 19:52:22]
Poirot 9 months ago

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