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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

For JustSayin2 - Mouth ulcer with irradiating pain to right ear

Hello I am seeking advice for a mouth ulcer on the right side of mouth, near the molar teeth gums. Ulcer (canker sore) is white in color and the pain is irradiating to the right ear.
Pain level from 1-10 is a 4. Person is very tolerant to pain however.
Male in early 30s. Has a tendency to have kidney stones.
No other symptoms.
  mercyann on 2023-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try single dose of Nitricum Acidum 30c.

Directions - Drop a single pellet of the remedy into a cup of water, stir gently to dissolve the pellet completely and take only a teaspoon at a time, one teaspoon constitutes a single dose.
JustSayin2 9 months ago
Thank you, will try to get now.
mercyann 9 months ago
Just and update for you, the pharmacy needed 4 days to formulate it. I managed to solve the situation with natural remedies (my own protocol) as well as Apis 6D as I noticed the right ear being red and swollen and the gums swollen as well hence a common theme being edema.
It was likely a viral infection.
mercyann 8 months ago

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