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Benign Breast Tumours 9


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Breast tumour

I have been diagnosed with breast tumor, in the right breast. My allopathic doctor is suggesting chemotherapy but I am not too keen to go for it.

Is it possible to cure it with homeopathy. Has anyone here seen any such case where homeopathy has completely cured it.
  Nainananjoy on 2023-10-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Fill out the case taking form on my profile.
Ziomih last year
Here goes my replies:

Gender: Female
Age: 46

Physical Characteristics: 153 cm, 59 kgs

How would you describe your build and physique (e.g., thin, average, stocky, fatty, stout)?
Ans: Average

Do you tend to be warm or chilly in terms of body temperature?
Ans: Chilly

Are there any physical peculiarities or characteristics that youve noticed about yourself?
Ans: dry skin and tendency for dandruff

Emotional and Mental Traits:
Describe your general mood and temperament (e.g., calm, anxious, irritable, cheerful).
Ans: anxious most of the times when alone. around people feel cheerful

How do you typically react to stress or difficult situations? Ans: First reaction is usually emotional, then think it over calmly and take a call based on what feels right. but tend to get anxious or temperamental

Are there any fears or phobias that you have?
Ans: Fear of being alone in house/ hotel, fear of very confined spaces and heights

Do you have any specific emotional patterns or triggers that youve observed in yourself?
Ans: Typically being alone triggers too many negative thoughts and that leads to anxiousness. However, being deeply spiritual am able to meditate and bring back focus. People not taking me seriously or not allowing me to share my thoughts too can act as a trigger for an emotional outburst.

Sleep Patterns:
How is the quality of your sleep? Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?
Ans: Usually good. Once asleep am not bothered much by noises but have a tendency of taking time to fall asleep or if broken once, cant go back to sleep easily.

Are there any recurring dreams or themes in your dreams that you remember?
Ans: Cant remember

Do you feel refreshed after sleep, or do you wake up tired? Ans: Earlier I used to, but since the last month I feel tired.

Appetite and Cravings:
Describe your appetite. Are you typically hungry or not very hungry?
Ans: hungry at specific meal times.

Do you have any specific food cravings or aversions?
Ans: fried food cravings and aversion towards fruits but have been eating fruits for quite some time and like mostly apple, and watermelon, can have a few others too.

Energy Levels:
How would you describe your overall energy levels (e.g., high energy, easily fatigued)?
Ans: usually high energy, but if emotionally down tend to feel fatigued easily.

Do you have specific times of the day when your energy is better or worse?
Ans: Mid morning better

Weather Preferences:
Are there any weather conditions or changes in weather that you are particularly sensitive to?
Ans: Cold or rainy weather

Do you feel better or worse in certain weather conditions? Ans: worse in Rainy weather with cold 

Ailments or Health Issues:
Are there any chronic health issues or ailments youve experienced over the years?
Ans: No, but tendency for menstrual periods of less than three days with heavy flow on the first day and scanty after the second.

Have you noticed any recurring patterns in your health issues or symptoms?
Ans: Periods had become irregular from May till July, now back to being regular

Behavior and Habits:
Describe any specific habits or behaviors that you feel define you.
Ans: Prefer everything at specific pre-planned times, like to plan in advance, ok to go with the flow but not without any plan. Not very open to try out new food, prefer the usual regular stuff, can explore new things at times. Not very fond of sweets, but like to take small portions at times.

Do you have any preferences or aversions related to activities or hobbies?
Ans: Do not like too much physical activities, do not like sports
Nainananjoy last year
What are your most obvious physical symptoms?

Are main symptoms accompanied by less acute symptoms?

What are the characteristics of your symptoms?

Are you aware of any obvious cause of the symptoms?
Ziomih last year
What are your most obvious physical symptoms?
Ans: a lump in the right breast measuring 2.8x2.8x2.3 cms at 9-10 o clock position below skin surface. No pain most of the size but feels like a stone inside the breast. While travelling or fast walking some piercing sensations. Breast size seems to have increased.

Are main symptoms accompanied by less acute symptoms?
Ans: Not sure if they are related but Whole body seems dehydrated, face feels very dry specially around the mouth.

What are the characteristics of your symptoms?
Ans. slight redness around the lump, no pain most of the times, but at times during movement or lying down, peircing sensations. Heavyness in the breast, a little pain under the armpits at times.

Are you aware of any obvious cause of the symptoms?
A lot of emotional traumatic experiences in the last few years and also deep resentment which is stored inside me
Nainananjoy last year
PAST HISTORY (Previous Diseases & Their Treatment)
Any significant disease like :
(Typhoid/Malaria/Jaundice/Measles/Tuberculosis/Allergies/Chicken pox etc.)

Hospitalization if any: (e.g. Accident/Disease /Any Surgical operation?)

Any problem of Diabetes/ Hypertension/ Arthritis/ Asthma etc.

Any treatment taken earlier, its duration and its outcome.

Gynecological History for Women
Any Sexual disturbance?

Menarche (At what Age did the 1st Menses appear)?

Menopause: Age when menses stopped. Any complaints/symptoms associated with it.

Date of Last Menstrual Period?

Menses : (Regular / Irregular /Early /Late /Painful Non

Duration of cycle: (After how many days you get your periods.)

Duration of flow: (For how many days the Bleeding remains).

Character of flow :
(Thin/Fresh/Clotted/ Intermittent/ Dark/ Bright Red/ Black/ Stringy / Irritating )

Amount of flow : Scanty/Less / More /Profuse

Odour : Offensive/ Strong Smelly/ Normal

If Painful Menses: (location and character, Is it Continuous or Spasmodic?) Breast pain or hardness of the breast.

When does it start, any relation of pain with flow of blood. How does the pain Increases or Decreases?

Any other symptom associated (e.g. Headache, Backache, Vomiting, Vertigo, and Faintness etc.
Vaginal Itching).

Leucorrhoea / Watery Discharge: (Thin / Thick/ Stringy; Scanty / Moderate / Profuse; Irritating / Burning /Bland; Color – White/ Transparent / Milky/ Yellow/ Bloody etc. Smell – Offensive / Non Offensive; Staining / Non Staining.

Intermenstrual Bleeding : (Yes / No)

Any PMT: (Pre Menstrual tension)? Do you have any complaints associated with, before, or after menses? e.g. Moods Swing , Headache, irritability Anger Weeping Depression Diarrhea or Constipation

Any change in your skin around menses?

Contraceptive History: - Oral Pills/ IUCDs/ Tubectomy & the effects thereafter
Ziomih last year
PAST HISTORY (Previous Diseases & Their Treatment)
Any significant disease like :
(Typhoid/Malaria/Jaundice/Measles/Tuberculosis// etc.)
Ans: Typhoid in 2019, fever lasted for 2 weeks. Treated with allopathic medicines

Hospitalization if any: (e.g. Accident/Disease /Any Surgical operation?):
Ans: No

Any problem of / / / Asthma etc.
Ans: No

Any treatment taken earlier, its duration and its outcome.
Ans: Homeopathy treatment taken for chronic cold. The doctor had identified Sepia as my constitutional remedy after detailed note taking. Had taken it for a period of 6-8 mobths in 2014 which streamlined the entire body.

Gynecological History for Women
Any Sexual disturbance? No

Menarche (At what Age did the 1st Menses appear)?
Ans: 13 years

Age when menses stopped. Any complaints/symptoms associated with it.
Ans: Periods still going on, Had become a bit irregular from Apr 2023 till Aug 2023. Misssed one in Jul 2023. But now again everything is normal.

Date of Last Menstrual Period?
Ans: Oct 7

Menses : (Regular / Irregular /Early /Late /Painful Non
Ans: Regular, pain on first day

Duration of cycle: (After how many days you get your periods.)
Ans typically 21-24 days

Duration of flow: (For how many days the Bleeding remains).
Ans: typically 3 days: fist day heavy flow, second moderate, 3rd scanty

Character of flow :
(Thin/Fresh/Clotted/ Intermittent/ Dark/ Bright Red/ Black/ Stringy / Irritating )
Ans: Dark, clotted and fresh at times.

Amount of flow : Scanty/Less / More /Profuse
Ans: fist day heavy flow, second moderate, 3rd scanty

Odour : Offensive/ Strong Smelly/ Normal
Ans: Normal

If Painful Menses: (location and character, Is it Continuous or Spasmodic?) Breast pain or hardness of the breast.
Ans: Cramps around lower abdomen and lower back on first day, reducing on 2nd day onwards. Heavyness and pain in breast a week or 3-4 days before periods.

When does it start, any relation of pain with flow of blood. How does the pain Increases or Decreases?
Ans.: Pain is not much, cramps come along with flow.

Any other symptom associated (e.g. Headache, Backache, Vomiting, Vertigo, and Faintness etc.
Vaginal Itching).
Ans: Sometimes headache.

/ Watery Discharge: (Thin / Thick/ Stringy; Scanty / Moderate / Profuse; Irritating / Burning /Bland; Color – White/ Transparent / Milky/ Yellow/ Bloody etc. Smell – Offensive / Non Offensive; Staining / Non Staining.

Ans: Thin, stringy, moderate, bland, transparent, non-offensive, non-staining

Intermenstrual Bleeding : (Yes / No)
Ans: Only once in May 2023, one day of spotting

Any PMT: (Pre Menstrual tension)? Do you have any complaints associated with, before, or after menses? e.g. Moods Swing , Headache, irritability Anger Weeping Diarrhea or Constipation
Ans: Mood swings and constipation

Any change in your skin around menses?
Ans: dryness of skin

Contraceptive History: - Oral Pills/ IUCDs/ Tubectomy & the effects thereafter
Ans: None
[Edited by Nainananjoy on 2023-10-31 16:03:13]
Nainananjoy last year
Is this tested and diagnosed as cncer?
Was a biopsy done?
simone717 last year
Nainananjoy last year
Hi, the forum owner does not allow any cncr cases on here-
Due to the fact cncr can spread fast and timely treatment with testing by an MD is very important. If you want you can google the Banerji website and get their opinion for supportive remedies-they allow allopathic treatment along with their prescription. These are a well known group of MD’s using homeopathic remedies for cncr and they have a huge database which they share with MD Anderson Hospital in Texas-largest usa cncr hospital. Www pbhrfindia dot org is the site.
[Edited by simone717 on 2023-11-01 03:09:35]
simone717 last year
Your reply is not very clear. Which banerji website...?

BTW, I am also a reiki grandmaster and deeply believe that all diseases have deep emotional roots and till we address them it is only momentary healing that allopathy can provide.

I understand the concerns related of this disease and have had long discussion with my oncologist on the possible paths to cure. However, I have seen too many examples where allopathy has not been able to provide longterm or full cure. Even after long rounds of chemo or parts being removed, the disease has re-surfaced in various other body parts, since the root cause of the disease which I strongly believe lies in deep emotional causes has not been addressed.

I have also come across people who have healed fully without the traditional treatment by working deeply and sincerely through alternate therapies.

I am determined to follow non-allopathic mode. I am already working on myself through reiki and need supportive homeopathy medicines to take this forward. I am willing to explore possibilties.

The have tried in my area and did not find a homeopath who seemed confident to support my cause. I have come across homeopaths who are happy to charge high fees like the allopath but have not taken the trouble to take down detail notes to understand the issue, so am skeptical.

Hence, I started with the topmost query..

The major point here is that I know that I have gone through quite a few deep emotional crises which have led me to this point, and I am willing to experiment and heal that first which I believe will lead to this healing too.

Looking forward to hearing from Ziomih or anyone who has experience and willing to help.
Nainananjoy last year
The Banerji website is as I put above- www pbhrfindia.org
You can write to them for a protocol.
simone717 last year
To Nainananjoy


What do you think about your disease?

Please mention any Incidence, Mishap , Loss, Betrayal , Death, Disappointment , Love, Insult, Failure, Depression etc. which has any impact or relation to your present problem either has affected you deeply or otherwise also. Kindly elaborate.

What makes you feel Happy ?

What is the effect of consolation on you ?

What is your response to music?

Please mention any thing else pertaining to you and your problem which you feel has not been asked and is persistent and unusual, Do mention strange feeling if any.
Ziomih last year

What do you think about your disease?
Ans: Oscillate between its possible to recover fully without chemo and is it possible to?? Had a very open discussion with my Oncologist and she was surprised at my positivity. I know and understand that it is deep rooted pain which I have been holding on to.

Please mention any Incidence, Mishap , Loss, Betrayal , Death, Disappointment , Love, Insult, Failure, etc. which has any impact or relation to your present problem either has affected you deeply or otherwise also. Kindly elaborate.
Ans: Multiple instances in life. I have a mild-mentally retarded brother and my mother passed away more than twenty years ago, had to shoulder responsibilities at a young age. Husband has been very supportive. However, My in-laws have been very abusive with me. A very painful memory from 2011 where my sisters-in-law insulted me and abused me in my fathers hearing left a deep impact and that has been the biggest resentment I have harboured. My father passed away soon after that incident. Over the years, I have tried multiple healing technique to overcome this, however, the resentment and desire to get even has remained. Though now me and my husband have moved away from that family but the hurt still lingers. We chose not to have kids and it was a conscious well-thought out choice and I do not have regrets about it. However, social comments tend to have momentary impact.

What makes you feel Happy ?
Ans: Good food, talking to people who enjoy similar things though I am an introvert, guiding and Helping others, doing creative stuff, completing assignments that I take up on time with quality.

What is the effect of consolation on you ?
Ans: I prefer to take charge so I rarely seek or get much consolation.

What is your response to music?
Ans: love slow melodious music and songs with poetic lyrics

Please mention any thing else pertaining to you and your problem which you feel has not been asked and is persistent and unusual, Do mention strange feeling if any.
Ans: My anger and resentment at the past I feel is at the root of this issue. OLd memories keep coming back to me and I feel bad that I did not take courageous decisions to protect the interest of my loved ones. Tendency to have mental dialogues and speak all that I could not speak then or think of possible future scenarios of similar nature and how now I will react to them is also there.
Nainananjoy last year
Ars 12c BD. keep me informed of any developments.

Dosing: see my profile

Note: It is very important that you maintain consistent communication with your allopathic physician while we work through homeopathy to address your situation.
Ziomih last year
Just a quick check..BD means twice daily right?
Also dosing must be done in the liquid form as shared in your profile? What do I do with the remaining water? throw it?

Just checking, as I do not want to make mistakes here.
[Edited by Nainananjoy on 2023-11-02 04:07:40]
Nainananjoy last year
Ziomih last year
Sure. Will do and keep you posted
Nainananjoy last year
After 3 doses:

After the first and third dose, felt feverish which passed over time.
After taking the doses, the skin in the base of the breast felt crumpled (the lump is at 9-10 o clock position), but it feels better now.
The redness around the lump area too seems less...

Do suggest
Nainananjoy last year
Ziomih last year
Nainananjoy last year

I want to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Its not for nothing that we say it, and its not just a checkbox exercise. We say it because its true.

Homeopathic remedies are not a sure fire fix. Do not gamble with your life. Ill add that chemotherapy has improved a lot in recent times and advances in tumor imaging mean that radiotherapy does not involve the level of collateral damage it once did. There are also new therapies such as immunotherapy. Personally, Id go the conventional medicine route.

Im sure if I close the thread down itll pop up somewhere else, so Ill let it run.

All the best
moderator last year
To Nainananjoy,

Any update?
Ziomih last year
The dimpling in the skin has reduced, pain and heat around the lump has reduced considerably. Also the redness around it too has come down.
Not sure about the size of the lump, that feels as is. However, emotionally I feel much better. I am able to carry on my usual life much better.
Nainananjoy last year
Excellent. Stop dosing. Feedback after 8 days.
Ziomih last year
Sure. Will do.
Nainananjoy last year

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.