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Dog - Digestive Issue - Remedy not working

Hi - about 1 month ao my dog vomited a lot of clear gelatenous liquid and stopped eating for 5 days and drank lots and lots of water. I gave him Arsenicum Album 30c every 2 hours and by the second day he was eating and going for walks again. He steadily improved and even had energy levels I havent seen in years--up until yesterday.

This past week he got picky again with eating and I noticed him eating a little grass here and there. Today he woke up has no interest in food and only wants to lay around or go out and eat grass. He had a normal stool earlier today. He tried to vomit a couple of times but nothing coming out. Only drank a very little bit of water, where last time he was drinking insane amounts of water.

I gave him Arsenicum album a few times in the last few hours and Im not seeing results. A month ago it would knock him out within 10-15 minutes and hed wake up refreshed and wanting to eat a little.

Should I try Aresenicum 200ck? I also have on hand Arsenicum 1M, Ignatia amara 30c, Tarentula cubensis 30c, Cantharis 30c, Bach Rescue Remedy, and Bach walnut.

Thank you in advance for any guidance provided here.

  brunsey1 on 2023-11-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
anuj srivastava last year

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