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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have a question on what may be the appropriate remedy for my presenting condition (Asthma). The following is a quick summary of history and current symptoms.

-Developed Asthma at 18 months of age after vaccine exposure. (Unsure if relevant but I was also born blue requiring resuscitation).
Was on nebuliser machine until approximately 9yrs. Relocated at 9yrs to a warmer climate and stopped needing Ventolin except for emergencies a couple times a year. Majority of triggers were due to exercise/over-exertion.

-Started reaching for Ventolin again about a year after birth of my youngest child, 4 years ago. Attacks were mild/rare and triggers were due to exposure to mold spores or after exercise.

-I relocated 3 years ago and Im now exposed to more flowers and plants that will occassionally set off hay-fever symptoms (seasonal). When gardening any exposure to grass clippings will set off an asthma attack.
Where I live, we are now in the season of Spring.

-Dust will trigger asthma and perfumes or harsh cleaners to a lesser degree. I try to avoid these as much as possible.

-In last 3 months asthma has progressively worsened. I went from needing Ventolin once a fortnight to now needing to take it up to 6 times a day!

-In the last month Ive started waking up between 12-3am struggling to breath. I will sometimes dream I cant breath and then wake up to realise I actually cant breath.

-Asthma during the day is preceeded by a dry cough. It sometimes feels like a tickle in my throat (after fresh air hitting back of throat) that I cant shake and then asthma will come on soon after.

-Breathing starts to feel like Im trying to breath through a straw and someone is pinching the end of it. Chest will feel tight and constricted. Theres no wheezing or rattle sound, mostly dry.

-Asthma is worse before bed and when I wake up.

-My left side is most effected during dust/cat or hay fever allergies. It starts itching in left eye, left inner ear, left side back of throat and left nostril. Ear, throat and eye can become very itchy and irritated. If I were to become sick with a head cold the left ear is most effected and the last thing to go away.

-Around same time the Asthma got worse Ive noticed it harder to breath through my left nostril especially at night. I find myself mouth breathing more often during sleep due to this.

-I was put on the remedy Sepia when I was experiencing hormonal imbalance about a year after the birth of my child. I took this 3 years ago for about a month then stopped.

Ive tried to keep this as brief and direct possible and appreciate advice that could help me remedy this.
Many thanks, Zara.
  Zara3 on 2023-11-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Zara,

Do you feel any kind of taste or smell from inside of your chest? if yes please share.
HealthyWorld last year
No, I havent noticed any taste or smell from my chest.
Zara3 last year
Please arrange the below remedies:
1. Thuja Occidentalis 1M/1000C
2. Nux Vomica 200C
3. Pothos foetidus 30C
4.Justicia adhatoda Q <br>5. Blatta orientalis Q <br>6.Aspidosperma Q

Remedy name: Thuja Occidentalis
Please take Three doses. Just three doses and not daily.

Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drop of the remedy in 10 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle atleast 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes. Finish this in 3 doses

First dose: as soon as you get the remedy or early morning before brushing your tooth. Repeat this with the gap of 5 minutes.

If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then don’t take the second dose.
Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
During the treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.

Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.
Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
Other health problems: e.g. acne&gt;Acne increased 60%
Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
And so on list all your complaints.

Any cure in homeopathic treatment will always follow this rule (Hering’s Law of Cure) otherwise it’s not cure, just palliation. The cure must proceed from centre to circumference. From centre to circumference is from above downward, from within outwards, from more important to less important organs, from the head to the hands and feet.

If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.

Dont drink water along with the medicine. Dont drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.

Note: Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.

Report back after 15 days with the changes observed during this period.

For any emergency please write to me directly.

[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2023-11-10 08:09:21]
HealthyWorld last year
Thank you, kindly.
Ive ordered the first three listed remedies and will start on Thuja as soon as it arrives.

The three remedies listed for Number 4 - Im unable to attain in Q/LM. The highest goes up to 10M. I havent arranged these as yet until I await your recommendation.
Ill follow directions for the Thuja and report back in 15 days.

Thank you, Zara
[Edited by Zara3 on 2023-11-10 09:23:22]
Zara3 last year
What is your country?

For 4-6: Please arrange in 1X/Mother Tincture.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2023-11-10 10:41:37]
HealthyWorld last year
Ive emailed my supplier to see if they can provide the correct potencies. That was three days ago and Im yet to hear back.
Ive recieved the Thuja, Nux Vom and Pothos today. Ill take Thuja as directed in the morning and then update.
[Edited by Zara3 on 2023-11-14 09:15:30]
Zara3 last year
Hi Healthy world,
This is an update since taking Thuja as directed.
The day before I took it and the day of, I did not need to take Ventolin at all.
There was an increased heat and humidity due to pending storms. Once the rain came I felt the need to take Ventolin once a day.

In the last week this has increased to twice a day. Once needing Ventolin before bed and once when waking up. The strain to breath has halved however. Occassionally I can find a little bit of relief by drinking a herbal tea or going outside for fresh air.

My cough dissapeared after taking Thuja however it returned in the last week. We have had rain all week. It is heavier rain today and Im feeling some extra strain in my breathing.
I notice the cough in the afternoon, it is dry airy/breathy and severity is less irritating than it was prior to taking Thuja.

The day after taking Thuja I had a runny nose however this only lasted the morning.
I noticed my breathing in my left nostril was clearer however it has returned to being completely blocked in the past week [upon waking - its clear when being upright during the day].

5 days after taking Thuja I started my menstrual cycle. I started developing acne. Occassionally I will have 2-3 deeper acne spots occur along my jaw line or neck which I assume to be hormonal related.
This cycle the acne was worse. I had multiple small patches of 3-5 very tiny pimples on my lower cheek along the jaw line.
I also developed a few deeper acne spots just behind and under both ear lobes.
Today I am still seeing some very small spots and 2-3 deeper ones under my neck along the jaw line.
Prior to my cycle starting I had some very small pimples develop on my chest.

The past 3 days Ive felt a little bit dizzy. A rushing feint feeling if I bend over and get up too quick.

Those are all the symptoms Ive noticed so far. Please advise how I should continue?
[Edited by Zara3 on 2023-11-28 07:00:00]
Zara3 last year
Please mention date and time of the doses.
Did you receive other remedies too?
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2023-11-28 07:29:50]
HealthyWorld last year
I took it on the 15th of this month at 7am - as directed 3 doses only in 5 minute intervals.
Zara3 last year
I have recieved Nux Vom and Pothos but the other three I still need to find a source within Australia for Q/mother tinctures.
Apologies for my ignorance regarding potency. The dispensary is only offering the following:
Justicia - 3×, 30C, 200C, 1M, or 10M
Blatta Orientalis - 3×, 6×, 12×, 6C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M or 10M
Aspidiosperma - 6×, 12×, 1M or 10M
[Edited by Zara3 on 2023-11-28 07:53:43]
Zara3 last year
Please take 3 doses of Nux Vom half an hour before dinner (same as you have taken Thuja but this time you will take in evening).
Observe the changes and update me accordingly.
HealthyWorld last year
Will do this tonight. Thank you.
Zara3 last year
Your are most welcome
HealthyWorld last year
Hi HealthyWorld
This is my update for 15 days post Nux Vom taken as instructed. I took it on the 29th of November.

I did not feel the need to take Ventolin at all the day of taking Nux Vom. The second day I needed to take Ventolin once when I was doing garden work.

On the third day I started developing a scratchy feeling in the throat and the next morning it felt sore. My nose was stuffy especially left side. This then travelled to my left ear. For a week my left ear was blocked and it was hard to hear. I felt run down for a good week.

Ive still had some mild acne along the jaw line and tiny ones on my cheeks. Unsure if relevant but I had an emotional release dealing with grief this past week.

Ive had alot of pain and tension in my back. It almost feels inflamed and like I just cant shake off the tension in my body. My breath feels shallow and tight in the chest which is made worse when sitting or standing upright. The only relief I have in quality of breath is in laying down.

Besides those symptoms however - Ive only needed to take Ventolin a total of 3 times in the last two weeks! Its been a relief not feeling the panic of needing to reach for it everyday.

Patiently awaiting your response.
Zara3 last year
Please take 3 doses of Pothos.
Plz dont wait for 15 days, you may inform me if your condition worse due to any reason.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2023-12-14 13:53:44]
HealthyWorld last year
Okay, thank you. I assume you mean Pothos. Ill inform you sooner if condition worsens.
Zara3 last year
Hi HealthyWorld,
Its been 2 weeks since taking Pothos and Ive had no symptoms whatsoever. Ive not taken Ventolin at all during this time. Even after a few hours in the garden I could breath just fine and had no asthma symptoms! :)
Zara3 last year
How many doses have you taken till now?
HealthyWorld last year
Just the 3 doses.
Zara3 last year
OK, great.

Keep taking 2 doses of same medicine fortnightly and do update me in case of any change
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-01-01 17:46:30]
HealthyWorld last year
Okay. Thank you. Just to clarify by medicines do you mean 2 doses of just the Pothos?
[Edited by Zara3 on 2024-01-01 10:56:52]
Zara3 last year
HealthyWorld last year

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.