The ABC Homeopathy Forum
11 year old boy bedwetting, warts, irritable.
I was hoping someone could help me with my 11 year old boy.Main symptoms:
Bedwetting at night: after 1 am, really deep sleeper and doesn’t hear alarm.
Warts: started on chin, moved to legs now after taking thuja
Irritability: cries easily, panics, demands, screams.
Some things to note:
Obsessed with computer (it’s limited to 1 hr a day)
Really smart (99% percentile smarter than other kids in the USA)
Likes to read
Shy, sensitive, caring, empathetic to others, doesn’t like to shower and be clean, really messy, doesn’t care about his appearance, doesn’t like clothes that are rough (jeans, dress shirts).
No patience with anything.
Likes to “be funny” by making others hurt. (Throwing something at them, or doing something to them, nothing serious but not good)
Loves bread and meat.
I would love some remedy advice please.
Lilyross2011 on 2024-02-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ HealthyWorld last year
Thuja was given for the warts and bedwetting. I was told by someone to give thuja 200 every other day for a month. Bedwetting got somewhat better, but it just goes back to the way it was. After thuja the warts disappeared from his chin and then started popping up on his legs. When he gets home from school I will attach a picture.
Lilyross2011 last year
Did you ever ask him the reason of bed wetting? is it there any specific reason?
Causticum 30, 2 drops in some water, thrice daily.
Calcarea Calcinata 3X, 3 pills, thrice daily.
Equisitum Q (Mother tincture) 5 drops in some water, twice daily.
please maintain few minutes gape between these medicines.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-03-01 04:20:12]
Causticum 30, 2 drops in some water, thrice daily.
Calcarea Calcinata 3X, 3 pills, thrice daily.
Equisitum Q (Mother tincture) 5 drops in some water, twice daily.
please maintain few minutes gape between these medicines.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-03-01 04:20:12]
♡ HealthyWorld last year
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