The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kitty with Stomatitis
Hello! I have a 4 year old kitty that has had all of his teeth removed because of diagnosed stomatitis. Unfortunately, it has not helped his inflammation and pain. He does still eat, and we put broth in his food to liquefy it--- but he goes through spells where we hear him meow in pain and he doesnt have to be eating for it to be painful. Yawning is obviously uncomfortable for him, as he doesnt open his mouth the whole way when he tries to yawn. I saw a post that recommended nat phos 6c and nat acid 30c . Ive been giving him that, but I havent gotten 4 days with the 3 doses that were recommended, because he isnt always up to eating on a schedule.Any assistance would be greatly appreciated to help my kitty feel better!!!! on 2024-02-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mercurius Solubilis 30 five pellets three to four times a day.
In addition KALI MUR 6X five tabs three times.
In addition KALI MUR 6X five tabs three times.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
So, on day 4 and most of those days Ive got at least 2 doses in my kitty. He has improved alot--- much more social now--- he was hiding alot before because he was in pain. He is now starting to eat more--- but Im still watering his food down and mashing it up pretty good. After the first day of the remedy---we noticed that he was appearing to test opening and closing his mouth-- almost as if he was surprised he could do it without excruciating pain. He is started to groom a little now--- that was hard for him too. He is doing much better. Should I continue the same remedy? last year
So, had some trouble getting the mercurius solubilis in a timely fashion, so this update isnt entire accurate--- but I continued giving the Kali Mur even without it. He is eating at least once a day now--- but still does occassionally call out because of the pain in his mouth. He seems more content overall and he is back to alot of his habits with sleeping with me at night and overall being more social, so there is improvement. I just received the mercurius solubilis today so I am going to start over with giving him both for 7 days. Im grateful for even the improvement he has had so far, so Im optimistic how hell do with taking both.
Appreciate you so much for the help. Thank you.
Appreciate you so much for the help. Thank you. 11 months ago saidSo, had some trouble getting the mercurius solubilis in a timely fashion, so this update isnt entire accurate--- but I continued giving the Kali Mur even without it. He is eating at least once a day now--- but still does occassionally call out because of the pain in his mouth. He seems more content overall and he is back to alot of his habits with sleeping with me at night and overall being more social, so there is improvement. I just received the mercurius solubilis today so I am going to start over with giving him both for 7 days. Im grateful for even the improvement he has had so far, so Im optimistic how well do with taking both.
Appreciate you so much for the help. Thank you.
[Edited by on 2024-03-28 12:00:34] 11 months ago
Been giving my cat with stomatits the 2 remedies as prescribed for a consistent 7 days. I must admit, he is so much better than my initial post. He ears everyday now and I am amazed at how quickly he starts to improve upon the pellets being given in his food. He does still have moments where he has those outbursts of pain--- and I wish we could get past that. Also-- when we give him his food, sometimes we have to go through alot of petting and comforting him in order for him to get comfortable enough to eat. He is still on soft food that has been diluted with chicken broth--- although there are times where I think he wants to try hard food. Should i continue with this remedy in the same dosage? 11 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 11 months ago
These remedies are definitely helping my cat. He doesnt holler out in pain as often, but I do notice that when its time for his next dose is when he might wince a bit--- but once he gets his dose, within a few minutes he is doing great. Is this something hell have to take for the rest of his life? I am very grateful for it--- but was hoping that making we could get to the bottom of the inflammation problem? 10 months ago
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