The ABC Homeopathy Forum
4 month old reflux/food allergy
HelloMy daughter is nearly 4 months old and we have been having a go of it with nursing. I exlusively bf, and from the two week mark she’s been fussy at the breast after a few mins of peaceful nursing. I cut dairy, soy, grains and chocolate from my diet as those had other symptoms and made the crying worse. My daily food consists of mainly meat and fruit with the occasional fermented sourdough bread. In an elimination diet I did for a week that was one of the first things introduced back into my eating and it did not seem to bother her.
She has good days and bad days but the bad days now seem to outweigh the good and I’m beyond frustrated. Every time she nurses she gets fussy and cries and pulls away from the breast. As the day progresses into evening, the amount of time it takes for the fussiness to occur decreases. Evenings are most difficult and she cries a lot before finally taking the breast in a half asleep daze from exhaustion. She kicks and arches her back and if I scrunch her legs up the crying gets worse, and her stomach feels hard even after burping well so it seems to me that part of the problem could be gi related. Occasionally she will have a bowel movement and then nurse like nothing has ever been wrong for about 10 minutes and then the next time we nurse she has issues once more. The bowel movements don’t seem to cause her any distress, the move easily but will often be days apart. They do not have a typical ebf sweet smell, often it has a vinegar-like scent to it.
I believe reflux to play a part as well. I can often hear gurgling in her stomach and choking before the crying begins. I just started administering nat phos 6x after each feed as of last evening and the symptoms seem to be getting worse, not better. There was a point today she refused the breast altogether, but still cried from hunger. I know that at times natural remedies can make the problem seem more intense at first before things begin to work, but I want to make sure I am on the right track with treatment? What can I do for her gi symptoms?
I have two other children I ebf and they both had nearly the exact same problems. Dairy seemed to help my first the most, while nothing truly helped my second until about the 10 month mark when the diet started to shift more heavily to solid food (no special accommodations where needed, dairy soy where introduced back into the diet with no major side effects. I kept grains to a minimum as I’ve read grain cannot be digested properly until around age 2 or 3. I’m not certain if that is true but it did not harm to limit intake).
I’m at my wits end with these babies and just want to know what to do to help!
My little girl is perfectly happy and content unless she is nursing. She’ll occasionally spit up curdled milk but then other times it is just liquid.
I’ve never given her drugs or simethicone. I do take a probiotic that seems to help her bowel movements be more consistent if I remember to take it religiously. It does not seem to affect her stomach with the nursing issue otherwise.
Taysull14 on 2024-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You seem to have tried the right remedy in the first place: Natrum Phos 6x. If it GI, this must have helped.
symptoms increasing in the evening suggest a strain of bacteria. This can be addressed.
The first reasonable focus to start with is you, your diet and your symptoms.
i. Please give your daily intake routines
[breakfast]: one or more frequent choices you make, the time
[lunch]: one or more frequent choices you make, the time
[dinner]: one or more frequent choices you make, the time
any other food or drinks, in addition to the above.
ii. Please give the list of symptoms you have been having during pregnancy or before.
iii. are there coatings in the tongue. If comfortable, please post a picture of the tongue, showing the coating.
In the mean time, please take this and report in 1 or 2 days:
1. In the evening, some time, before sunset: take an orange or tangerene, roasted peanuts (preferrably with least additions), a hand full or less, and dried figs one or two.
2. Take some slimy and slippery food or drink. Jello is a reasonably good choice. Another vegetable choice is Okra (walmart or indian grocery sells). Take okra raw, one small bite (is enough), each time you drink water, so the water turns gently slimy.
symptoms increasing in the evening suggest a strain of bacteria. This can be addressed.
The first reasonable focus to start with is you, your diet and your symptoms.
i. Please give your daily intake routines
[breakfast]: one or more frequent choices you make, the time
[lunch]: one or more frequent choices you make, the time
[dinner]: one or more frequent choices you make, the time
any other food or drinks, in addition to the above.
ii. Please give the list of symptoms you have been having during pregnancy or before.
iii. are there coatings in the tongue. If comfortable, please post a picture of the tongue, showing the coating.
In the mean time, please take this and report in 1 or 2 days:
1. In the evening, some time, before sunset: take an orange or tangerene, roasted peanuts (preferrably with least additions), a hand full or less, and dried figs one or two.
2. Take some slimy and slippery food or drink. Jello is a reasonably good choice. Another vegetable choice is Okra (walmart or indian grocery sells). Take okra raw, one small bite (is enough), each time you drink water, so the water turns gently slimy.
revav6 11 months ago
The Natrum does not appear to be helping as I hoped it would. It is hit and miss when she gets fussy, the morning time has increased in fussiness and last night she actually seemed to be better and less fussy. I am giving Nat after most feedings, there have been a few I’ve skipped accidentally. She is still doing worse than before I started administering the cell salt. Should I continue to give them?
I’ve noticed that now I only get a few minutes at the breast and she refuses to take the other side until she’s hungry again 20-30 mins later. It’s exhausting. I’ve also noticed that there are times when she nurses better completely horizontal at the breast. I’ve laid her across my boppy pillow and so long as I hunch over and keep her head level to the rest of her body, she will nurse for longer periods of time. This does not always work, as this morning it worked around 9:30 and did not around 10. I did not give her a dose of cell salt after the 9:30 feeding so that might be playing a part. She is stiff and will not bend her legs or curl into my body as she feeds like she used to she’s just a stiff rod right now.
There’s a chance she is trying to pass a bowel movement as this is her typical time and she does get fussier before passing it. As I stated previously though, she only seems to be better for an hour or two before the symptoms start back up again. I should note that before giving her nat phos, I occasionally had luck with leg bicycle movements while she was feeding. It helped push trapped wind out and occasionally helped her pass a bowel movement. If I stopped doing the movement she would get fussy again, and then other times it seemed to make things worse.
She is still choking quite a bit and now pulls back during letdown, which she previously (before nat phos) nursed through for the most part. She is still spitting up a lot and the amount seems to have increased.
As for my diet I try to keep it as cheap as possible on a budget and I know it could use some work. Cruciferous vegetables make her scream so I stick with things like zucchini and beets. They are not a major part of my diet, maybe twice a week at dinner.
Breakfast for the most part I eat the same thing. Pork breakfast sausage with guacamole on a slice of sourdough bread. I’ll often have a banana with if and sometimes eggs. The mornings I don’t make that I’ll eat some fruit with a handful of peanuts. Occasionally I will eat a pancake made with coconut and cassava flour with peanut butter on top. I use avocado oil to cook with. The time I eat varies greatly. Sometimes right away around 8 am and others it isn’t until 10 or 11.
Lunch will often be all beef hotdogs and beans, some kind of fruit and/or a coconut crème snack treat made with cassava and coconut flour. Another option is frozen grilled chicken pieces I warm up in the air fryer. Pulled pork leftovers I cook in bulk to have ready throughout the week. I add bbq sauce and will sometimes eat it on the fermented sourdough bread. It is between 1:30-2:30 when I eat lunch
Dinner ranges from 5:30-7:30. Most of the time it’s ground beef patties with salt or another type of seasoning. I make it with taco flavoring sometimes and add guacamole or tomato sauce and mustard. Steak is a common meal as well and a sweet potato is the side typically.
Stew meat in a beef broth with carrots potatoes and dried cranberries in the slow cooker is for tonight and the next few nights. I do that regularly as well.
Snacks are often peanuts (the kind with honey and sugar are my favorite as I have a sweet tooth a limited options for sweets). I like root vegetable chips from a brand called Terra made with sweet potato, beet and cassava. Dried figs, salted cashews, combination dried fruit bars, marshmallows (these are rare as I’m not as big of a fan, but it settles my sweet tooth sometimes). I also have a Dr Pepper everyday for the caffeine. I try to keep my water intake high, as close to a gallon as I can though I’ll admit I have not been as strict about that the last week or so. I like to have vitamin water drinks with the sugar alternatives. One a day or every few days.
Pregnancy was difficult as I had repeated pancreatitis and an eventual cholecystectomy. For the first 4 months of pregnancy I was still nursing my second child that had nearly identical stomach issues. My diet was the same as it is now other than beans, legumes and nuts aggravated my second child’s stomach where I haven’t noticed a difference in symptoms with my current situation nursing the 3rd child.
My 2nd daughter started getting better as her solid food intake increased. My intuition told me that she may not have been healed fully so much as she started turning to solid food for comfort after experiencing so much discomfort and crying from nursing. I don’t know if that’s true but it seemed that way.
At 7 months pregnancy, I had a pancreatitis attack that landed me in the er where I learned that’s what it had been the whole time. I was self treating at home with breathing techniques and fasting to get through the pain. Up to that point I assumed I was having allergic reactions or very severe food poisoning. My OB at the time was terrible and told me it was just pregnancy related nausea. I should have listened to my gut that something else was wrong but I kept enduring the attacks until it was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack.
At the 7 month mark I was given the option to ride it out until after giving birth and hope that it resolved itself naturally. I was advised against it given the sheer number of attacks I was having 2-3 a week at the point. They where concerned my body might try to reject my baby if it became any worse because I was already on a low fat diet (the beef I consume is low fat, I do not like the fatty cuts and I purchase bulk beef from a grass fed source. I opted for removal of the gall bladder to avoid any further issues. The doctors nearly had to put a stent in my pancreas f
I’ve noticed that now I only get a few minutes at the breast and she refuses to take the other side until she’s hungry again 20-30 mins later. It’s exhausting. I’ve also noticed that there are times when she nurses better completely horizontal at the breast. I’ve laid her across my boppy pillow and so long as I hunch over and keep her head level to the rest of her body, she will nurse for longer periods of time. This does not always work, as this morning it worked around 9:30 and did not around 10. I did not give her a dose of cell salt after the 9:30 feeding so that might be playing a part. She is stiff and will not bend her legs or curl into my body as she feeds like she used to she’s just a stiff rod right now.
There’s a chance she is trying to pass a bowel movement as this is her typical time and she does get fussier before passing it. As I stated previously though, she only seems to be better for an hour or two before the symptoms start back up again. I should note that before giving her nat phos, I occasionally had luck with leg bicycle movements while she was feeding. It helped push trapped wind out and occasionally helped her pass a bowel movement. If I stopped doing the movement she would get fussy again, and then other times it seemed to make things worse.
She is still choking quite a bit and now pulls back during letdown, which she previously (before nat phos) nursed through for the most part. She is still spitting up a lot and the amount seems to have increased.
As for my diet I try to keep it as cheap as possible on a budget and I know it could use some work. Cruciferous vegetables make her scream so I stick with things like zucchini and beets. They are not a major part of my diet, maybe twice a week at dinner.
Breakfast for the most part I eat the same thing. Pork breakfast sausage with guacamole on a slice of sourdough bread. I’ll often have a banana with if and sometimes eggs. The mornings I don’t make that I’ll eat some fruit with a handful of peanuts. Occasionally I will eat a pancake made with coconut and cassava flour with peanut butter on top. I use avocado oil to cook with. The time I eat varies greatly. Sometimes right away around 8 am and others it isn’t until 10 or 11.
Lunch will often be all beef hotdogs and beans, some kind of fruit and/or a coconut crème snack treat made with cassava and coconut flour. Another option is frozen grilled chicken pieces I warm up in the air fryer. Pulled pork leftovers I cook in bulk to have ready throughout the week. I add bbq sauce and will sometimes eat it on the fermented sourdough bread. It is between 1:30-2:30 when I eat lunch
Dinner ranges from 5:30-7:30. Most of the time it’s ground beef patties with salt or another type of seasoning. I make it with taco flavoring sometimes and add guacamole or tomato sauce and mustard. Steak is a common meal as well and a sweet potato is the side typically.
Stew meat in a beef broth with carrots potatoes and dried cranberries in the slow cooker is for tonight and the next few nights. I do that regularly as well.
Snacks are often peanuts (the kind with honey and sugar are my favorite as I have a sweet tooth a limited options for sweets). I like root vegetable chips from a brand called Terra made with sweet potato, beet and cassava. Dried figs, salted cashews, combination dried fruit bars, marshmallows (these are rare as I’m not as big of a fan, but it settles my sweet tooth sometimes). I also have a Dr Pepper everyday for the caffeine. I try to keep my water intake high, as close to a gallon as I can though I’ll admit I have not been as strict about that the last week or so. I like to have vitamin water drinks with the sugar alternatives. One a day or every few days.
Pregnancy was difficult as I had repeated pancreatitis and an eventual cholecystectomy. For the first 4 months of pregnancy I was still nursing my second child that had nearly identical stomach issues. My diet was the same as it is now other than beans, legumes and nuts aggravated my second child’s stomach where I haven’t noticed a difference in symptoms with my current situation nursing the 3rd child.
My 2nd daughter started getting better as her solid food intake increased. My intuition told me that she may not have been healed fully so much as she started turning to solid food for comfort after experiencing so much discomfort and crying from nursing. I don’t know if that’s true but it seemed that way.
At 7 months pregnancy, I had a pancreatitis attack that landed me in the er where I learned that’s what it had been the whole time. I was self treating at home with breathing techniques and fasting to get through the pain. Up to that point I assumed I was having allergic reactions or very severe food poisoning. My OB at the time was terrible and told me it was just pregnancy related nausea. I should have listened to my gut that something else was wrong but I kept enduring the attacks until it was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack.
At the 7 month mark I was given the option to ride it out until after giving birth and hope that it resolved itself naturally. I was advised against it given the sheer number of attacks I was having 2-3 a week at the point. They where concerned my body might try to reject my baby if it became any worse because I was already on a low fat diet (the beef I consume is low fat, I do not like the fatty cuts and I purchase bulk beef from a grass fed source. I opted for removal of the gall bladder to avoid any further issues. The doctors nearly had to put a stent in my pancreas f
Taysull14 11 months ago
For reasons I’m not entirely clear on.
After that surgery my milk dried up unfortunately so I was able to slowly return to a normal diet. At the time that was a combination of home cooked meals mainly ground beef and steak, eggs, breakfast sausage etc and I enjoyed the fact that I could have processed food once more. I indulged in sweets more than I should have, but all of that stopped at the two week mark post partum when I noticed the beginnings of my daughter’s food issues.
My only two symptom are that most nights I have reflux when I lay down, even the nights I don’t have acidic foods, and nausea comes and goes.
I’ve noticed that the probiotic I was taking actually makes me nauseous so I only take it with food typically. I haven’t had it the last two days due to stress and forgetfulness and there have been sporadic days of forgetting for the last month. Usually not more than two days in a row.
After that surgery my milk dried up unfortunately so I was able to slowly return to a normal diet. At the time that was a combination of home cooked meals mainly ground beef and steak, eggs, breakfast sausage etc and I enjoyed the fact that I could have processed food once more. I indulged in sweets more than I should have, but all of that stopped at the two week mark post partum when I noticed the beginnings of my daughter’s food issues.
My only two symptom are that most nights I have reflux when I lay down, even the nights I don’t have acidic foods, and nausea comes and goes.
I’ve noticed that the probiotic I was taking actually makes me nauseous so I only take it with food typically. I haven’t had it the last two days due to stress and forgetfulness and there have been sporadic days of forgetting for the last month. Usually not more than two days in a row.
Taysull14 11 months ago
Thank you for sharing the details. This reinforces that you need help in priority. You can stop giving Nat Phos 6x to your baby.
The medicines here given are for you and you can start taking this:
Priority 1:
Please buy FOLIC ACID 400mcg and break the tablet into a powder and take 1/10th of the tablet (40 mcg), each time you take any meat.
With this, one tablet is divided into 10 doses and a tablet can come for 3 to 5 days.
Priority 2:
ARNICA MONTANA 30c, one pill and CHELIDONIUM MAJUS 6c, one pill. Take them together every morning
Amazon sells it. You can call your local health food stores like whole foods, sprouts (if you live in USA) to check for availability.
Priority 3:
Dr. Subramanian in India has chosen the top 5 fruits that helps with the emotional aspect. Keeping your mind calm and happy are the foundational need for keeping Pancreas and Gall Bladder and hence digestion healthy.
Please take them when ever possible
1. Pommogranate, Orange or Tangrene, Papaya, Grapes and Pineapple
You can take a bit of each (one or half-lemon size of each) and take them preferrably all together, instead of one fruit a day. The combination of 5 do have some significance. So one fruit will last for days and this can be done within your budget.
The medicines here given are for you and you can start taking this:
Priority 1:
Please buy FOLIC ACID 400mcg and break the tablet into a powder and take 1/10th of the tablet (40 mcg), each time you take any meat.
With this, one tablet is divided into 10 doses and a tablet can come for 3 to 5 days.
Priority 2:
ARNICA MONTANA 30c, one pill and CHELIDONIUM MAJUS 6c, one pill. Take them together every morning
Amazon sells it. You can call your local health food stores like whole foods, sprouts (if you live in USA) to check for availability.
Priority 3:
Dr. Subramanian in India has chosen the top 5 fruits that helps with the emotional aspect. Keeping your mind calm and happy are the foundational need for keeping Pancreas and Gall Bladder and hence digestion healthy.
Please take them when ever possible
1. Pommogranate, Orange or Tangrene, Papaya, Grapes and Pineapple
You can take a bit of each (one or half-lemon size of each) and take them preferrably all together, instead of one fruit a day. The combination of 5 do have some significance. So one fruit will last for days and this can be done within your budget.
revav6 11 months ago
Hi Taysull,
on this forum you may click any user name to see their bio and all past posts on here. Anyone , anywhere is allowed to post their advice on health, does not have to be homeopathic advice. Also you can look thru the forum and request a specific person to help if you want.
on this forum you may click any user name to see their bio and all past posts on here. Anyone , anywhere is allowed to post their advice on health, does not have to be homeopathic advice. Also you can look thru the forum and request a specific person to help if you want.
♡ simone717 11 months ago
From your description about your reflux, and diet it seems your ph has gotten to an acidic level. Our cells have to be at an alkaline ph. Probiotics and meds , even homeo meds are not going to keep the ph alkaline if the diet is not changed.
What you need to do is google alkaline forming foods and acid forming foods. Then switch to mostly alkaline foods for at least 2 weeks . The ph will go back to alkaline. Then you can slowly bring back acidic foods and if you have a reflux episode cut back again. FYI, dairy, meat, citrus, chocolate, etc are acidic. In my fam several ppl developed reflux after making a habit of chocolate every night. They stopped that and reflux stopped.
What you need to do is google alkaline forming foods and acid forming foods. Then switch to mostly alkaline foods for at least 2 weeks . The ph will go back to alkaline. Then you can slowly bring back acidic foods and if you have a reflux episode cut back again. FYI, dairy, meat, citrus, chocolate, etc are acidic. In my fam several ppl developed reflux after making a habit of chocolate every night. They stopped that and reflux stopped.
♡ simone717 11 months ago
You have been silent for a while for some reason.
Please give Chelidonium 6c, one pill, once a day in the afternoon, everyday for a few days. This should help the child digest the milk
Please give Chelidonium 6c, one pill, once a day in the afternoon, everyday for a few days. This should help the child digest the milk
revav6 10 months ago
I think AETHUSA 30C will solve the problem. Give her a dose of a single drop in a spoon of water 10 min befor feeding. Pls report back in a couple of days.
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
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