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Sudden deterioration of dad’s mental state after Covid/Pneumonia Page 4 of 4

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anuj srivastava 10 months ago
ALRIGHT he is awake, smoking a cigarette, and listening to one of his favorite bands after I offered music!!!

He’s clearly still coming out of the fog, and is still moody but a little more polite about it. The change is stark so far. Thank you Doctor. Thaaaaank you.

I willl be listening for further suggestions. He just took his night meds.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
He is still sitting up, kind of haunched forward, spacing out, and seeming a bit fogged and lost: he seemed to snap back at first, fully remembering today and taking about the strange dream state he goes into- but he backslid noticeably in the last 30min and isn’t nearly as responsive.

Oh I now realize it’s likely because he took his pain meds.
Should I continue the Nux and/or Ipec (or otherwise)?

Thank you infinitely for your timely support.
We are grateful beyond words as a family; your direction is the core of our dearest triumphs, and we do not forget that.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
*Can I give multiple doses of Nux (maybe every 15min over 45mins?) if he’s not showing signs of “lifting out” with one dose?

*Or one dose and then be patient?

Thank you!
Cosmosis 10 months ago
(maybe every 15min over 45mins?) YES.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
He woke up to go to the bathroom, but backslid while he was in there and needed help to get out.

He was able to walk for a few mins, and then he wasn’t so he’s in the wheelchair- unable to get comfortable; restless but no energy to move. More mentally aware but frustrated and foggy. Getting upset and not cooperating. Can’t really express what he’s feeling.

The nux doses help him sit back for a couple mins, then he backslides. It’s like the medication is playing tug of war and I can’t get momentum. We’re on the 4th dose.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
The belladonna 200 response was the clearest he had been, and the most like himself. I assume that’s not something to be repeated— can we work with that information or is flooding with our only option?
Cosmosis 10 months ago
You can repeat BELL SOS and observe not exceeding three doses.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
He got a second dose of Bell200 and it did help him snap back a bit. He smoked a cigarette again. He got Nux30 with his OxyContin afterwards.

His shoulder and gut pain started acting up shortly after and I can’t quite tell which it was. A little bit of noise in his stomach too.

I diluted the Nux to “32c” in hopes it would antidote the painful reaction. It seems to be helping. I tried that in a bit of a stressed state of mind.

Could the stomach upset be Bella instead?
Cosmosis 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Still having moderate/severe stomach issues.
Not wanting to take his pills either.
His mind is clearer and he’s more aware, and his other painful spots seem to have reduced to “sore”.
But the stomach is a big one- he’s pointing generally behind the belly button?

He doubles over in waves of pain. Then lays back and kind of stretches with a sigh. Then it’ll hit again shortly after.


-Do I continue the mag phos 6x? I’ve given him one dose (and no apparent support if that’s notable).

-Should I try water dosing the Nux again for possible aggravation? The last two Nux doses appeared to summon a painful cringe within a minute. Couldn’t tell where/what or if they correlate.

-Ipecac 30 or Q?

-I am trying Chelidonium 6x again.

Thank you doctor.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
I am currently trying Carcinosinum 30 (as it works with Nux and others you’ve prescribed) in hopes it will control some of his pain to possibly reduce his opiate intake— and in hopes it will help control a portion of the overdosing symptoms.

So far it’s showing some slow signs of being helpful and he’s more alert. His body hasn’t caught up yet but slow improvement has been more sustainable. I plan on dosing 3-4 times per day in an effort to track some improvement but I’d appreciate your input. I figure we are in a bit of a corner trying to support him and I feel I need to be creative, but I’d deeply appreciate your thoughts on this and anything else.

I am going to dose Nux gently adjusting the potency with water dosing as you originally prescribed in March. It seems Nux is causing some kind of rebound pain/reaction, but he does need it to support the opiates. Best I can do for now.

Chelidonium was helpful but it created shoulder pain when I gave him Chel 30, and also when I gave him Chel 6x. Figuring a reaction is a hopeful thing for how it can help, I am considering trying water dosing with the Chel 30 depending on how his sensitivity speaks to us. I feel there’s something to the Chel.

Thank you for your time and effort, Doctor.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
I apologize I did not see your post about Ipec Q and Tabacum about 20-some hours ago. Tabacum helped for approx 10min so we’re doing another one now. Thank you Doc. I’ll keep a much closer eye on this thread. Didn’t get sleep last night so if I appear scattered that’s why.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Hello doctor,

We all expected my dad to pass days ago.
But he continues to have these “rallies” by definition.
He shows improvement, and slips back into near-death.
He still cannot eat for the third day, but is able to drink increasingly so- and for some reason he’s drinking with less issue in these rallies- he’s also drinking his tea again starting today for the first time since the 23rd, and today he had a cigarette. That’s when I knew I had to inquire for your opinions and humble my expectations.

He can’t use his legs well but he has core/arm strength that he uses methodically and thoughtfully to maneuver. He cooperates beautifully with being lifted when pain isn’t screaming. Mentally and paternally he is near-fully in tact. He communicates his needs well, and he gets upset with his body when it’s not working as well as his mind is.

He’s been enduring so much without IV pain treatment so he can stay and pass at home. The mag phos has helped so I continued it, and I’ve given him Ars Album 1m with some success for his comfort/anxiety/cerebral activity level.

At his worst times he’s described and behaved as having “death visions”, like figures in the bedroom- and he’s talked to some folks- but he comes back out, remembers things to tell us, and then no visions until he spirals again. He doesn’t feel unsafe or insecure in those places at all when he is in that state.

For some reason when he has these rallies he’s showing more improvement incrementally with each one. His declines go very low, with increased mucous secretion and weakness and loss of consciousness, very low blood pressure— and then his rallying gets a little better each time. Today he has core strength to sit up instead of slouching forward. And his pain meds don’t appear to be a large cause of his issues any longer.

He has ‘gray area’ days/phases where he’s in waves of pain and he appears to meditate a lot. He’s been willing to listen to music for 2 days now (before that he preferred silence but has not requested it since). He loves having our company even without interaction, some eye contact whenever he looks for it, and he does not appear stressed or afraid. He appears stressed when he’s hurting and holding his stomach. He’s said a couple of times, in various ways, “Hey Sammy, sh**’s about to hit the button here soon” which is a great way to express it lol— and we are behind him every step. Then when we all enter another day together he’s rolling with it like we are.

Today he woke up with a flooood of emotion we had not personally seen in him yet. He cried for a long time with my sister and she relayed it to me.

His communication, patience, and mood is improving. Such as changing his odd seating when he doesn’t want to move from it— saying to her “why do you insist on me moving?” she said “because you’re half on and half off of two separate chairs and it’s hurting you”, and he responded “it isn’t hurting me in the least :)”. So we respect that and he’s content.

We are keeping him home as he wishes and doing all things necessary to maintain his comfort while he goes through this. He’s flowing with the vulnerability necessary to do this. I didn’t expect to need your help any further— I expected to message you with our thanks for your part in our lives with a confirmation of his passing. But I have to reach out and ask for your advice since no moment is certain with Jerry and our family’s tendency for strange experiences.

I have learned this past year that soothing or eliminating suffering is not always the most important thing- not always the priority. There are other types of support that can take priority over easing pain. I’ve also learned to go moment by moment, maintaining realistic expectations WITHOUT asserting control to make them so. Leaving the proverbial door open for the unexpected, the unwanted, and even the illogical.

I’ll appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you have, sir.

Thank you for your time.
Cosmosis 10 months ago

Give Tarentula Cubensis 30 three times a day for decreasing the agony he is undergoing now.

anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Yes I agree with much passion. I’ve learned a lot about modern medicine’s chronic ailment and cancr industries— and its concesquences— through my dads experiences, and I have a lot of anger for that.

—I’ve ordered Tarentula C. But it won’t be here until tmrrw. I only have Tarentula H. if that’s in any way relevant for sharing a common word.

—We thought he was going to pass last night based on his symptoms, but again he stabilized, near-coma-sleeping through the night, and he awoke this morning with the same high heart rate (170ish) and an 89 o2 level.

—He woke up finally needing a bowel movement after 2 days, and urgently- he was too confused by his waking daze to do this effectively and he was much more mentally grounded afterward. He’s mostly aware and alert but wants to be on the floor and doesn’t want to move much. Mood is mildly shaky.

—I meant to give him Mag Phos 6x and accidentally gave him Lyco 30x (long story), and it may have made him more inaccessible. Like “shutting down” a bit.

—As we’ve seen with each of his “rallies” there’s always something improving slightly through the next rebound. Here his leg muscle gives him a BIT more support in that he can maneuver to help us help him. And he near-successfully crawled a bit which is a big feat compared to the last 3-4 days. Kinda beautiful actually.

—He’s not very cooperative in solutions to improving his comfort, pain, position, etc. (without our “patient persistence” as I call it) but he has personality, wit, some humor, and a touch of delusion and combativeness considering the o2 level and other factors I’m sure. Is too uncomfortable overall to wear oxygen supplementation right now. Will continue to offer.

-Still no appetite so far
-Drinking more tea today
-Drinking is easier without nearly as much of an issue.
-Doesn’t require very cold drink as he did for the last 3 days. -More cooperative in taking pills

Any suggestions while I wait for Tarentula C?
And any suggestions for this Lyco30 misstep? >.<
Thank you Doc.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Any suggestions while I wait for Tarentula C? WAIT.Continue giving him Nux.

If you have Ferrum Phos 6X you can give him three to four times a day.Mag Phos should be continued.

-Still no appetite so far-He is on strong medication.All allopathic remedies kill appetite and effects the mentals.

And any suggestions for this Lyco30 misstep?Will not have any adverse effect.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
-Tarantula C helped with awareness and some other things I could see but he couldn’t list or describe. Definitely want to keep trying it. May have helped his vertigo a bit too.

We had a bout of him being able to feel still and sit up and drink water/juice, he even wanted a milkshake- but by the time it was done he was too dizzy.
I didn’t have the ability to make notes for what would have helped. Maybe the mag phos/tarentula C but it didn’t help for the evening dose.

-He’d had a decent few days where he was drinking tea, and now he’s back to 24 hours without it and appears to be effecting him horribly.

-He had a number of nights since the 26th where he appeared to be dying or felt as if he was, and yet he bounces back with minor improvements with every rebound except for today. Outside the vertigo and some mental symptoms, he’s got more strength and swallowing has improved over 3 days.

-He has terrible vertigo since at least yesterday.

-in the past when I’ve asked him if he’s dealing with vertigo, until the last strange week of symptoms he always said “none that I can’t control.” Unclear about that.

-Now he’s enduring spells where he’s sitting up on his knees and laying with his head to the side in his own lap. Or right now he’s laying face down asking me to push on his back for a sense of grounding. He keeps wanting to get up but immediately lays back down or can’t get up at all.

-just as he did on the 26th to the 28th, he has been refusing meds at every turn. He was way too medicated 3 or so days ago when he tried and did not like fentanyl patches, but it did control pain. Sometimes he refers to delusions/trust issues; the pills being “fake”— other times no reason given— he’s said a couple of times he’s trying to punish himself. (He’s had an opiate addiction for 20 years for what that is worth).

-He got meds this morning (no fentanyl) via my mom’s persistence, now he’s approaching withdrawal again for certain.


I gave him tabacum as I thought he’d possibly smoked too many cigarettes, and it made the spinning worse. He’s angry, yelling at times, and somewhat delusional like he’s lost in the dark and saying “aw c’mon!”

Mental/mood symptoms worsened significantly last night and today

Vertigo is a must to help if at all possible
I’ll make another post if I get my brain together for more info.

Bear with my scatter here, this Is a chaotic moment
Thank you doctor
Cosmosis 10 months ago

anuj srivastava 10 months ago

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