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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nat phos 6x for gerd

I’ve had my 6 week old on Nat Phos 6X for 2 days now, giving 1/2 tablet every feed (10 times a day). Total she’s getting 5 tablets a day. The Nat Phos has immediately helped reduce her reflux drastically. I want to keep using the Nat Phos, but I need clarity on dosing. Is 5 tablets too much for a newborn? What’s the appropriate / safe dosing for her? Also, how long should I use the Nat Phos before discontinuing? So far she has no side effects to speak of.
  ricksims001gmail.com on 2024-03-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Give the remedies until symptoms are improved.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago

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