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Can I use Damiana Q and selenium metallicum 30c daily?

Damiana Q is general medicine for sexual weakness in males.

Selenium helps in Erection, ejaculation issues, constipation etc.,
I have studied this and match few symptoms such as hairfall, mental and physical weakness, sexual weakness, constipation, sensitive kind of person, gynecomastia etc.,

Can I use Damiana Q 5-8 drops repeated 2-3 times daily and selenium metallicum 30c 4 drops twice daily for 2-3 months?
  letmedothis on 2024-03-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No. Homeopathic meds will cause the same symptoms and new symptoms if you take too much. When a homeo med matches well what happens is - the body will not accept a similar med that the body sees as a second similar problem. The body reacts by increasing life force to clear the remedy and then it is also targeting clearing the real disease. Your reactions after a dose need to be monitored .
You need someone to take your case and supervise you on remedy choice and dosing or you will end up worse .
simone717 11 months ago
Thanks for your reply

Should I take only one of these and if so what dosage?

if ok to take two meds what dose is recommended ?

I prefer to take selenium met. Could you let me know if it is fine?
letmedothis 11 months ago
You have several things going on. It is very difficult to self prescribe for chronic problems. Many times there are layers that one remedy removes part of one thing, then you need another remedy.
Do not take two meds bc you won’t know what is doing what. If you want to try a single dose of selenium 30c you take it once and wait for 24 hours.
Reactions may be, 1. it does nothing , then try it one more time- if nothing then it’s not right. 2. You feel some relief, then wait again until you feel the old things returning before you try another dose.
3. Your reaction is aggravation of your symptoms-wait until this leaves and then see if relief appears-again wait until you feel old things are coming back. 4. Your reaction is having new symptoms you never had-wait and see if this wears off and there is aggravation or relief and again do not dose until the relief has stalled out.
The best way to do this is have someone take your case and monitor your reactions -You can click any user name on here and see bio, past cases etc and do a thread asking for someone to prescribe.
simone717 11 months ago

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