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Rough throat with clearing and coughing

I am a 48 year old women with dry rough throat that requires constant clearing as if something is stuck. Feels like coughing clears it for a bit. I have had this issue for a few months now. Sucking on halls opens my throat for a bit. Please recommend a homeopathy treatment to cure this constant feeling to cough and clear my throat.
Thank you!
  Simran25 on 2024-04-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear. Take Causticum 30c. 4 drops in some water thrice a day for 3 days and report back.
drsajid 11 months ago
I don’t have Causticum on hand. Is there another option for medicine?
Simran25 11 months ago
No. Ur medicine according to ur symptoms is Causticum.
drsajid 11 months ago
Ok thank you. Will order it today
Simran25 11 months ago
I finally received Causticum and took it for 3 days as prescribed. It has helped me a lot, but there is still some throat clearing and coughing. My voice gets hoarse suddenly while talking and when I clear my throat it gets back to normal. The dryness on the roof and back of my throat has improved too, but I still experience dryness after eating a meal.
There is also slight pain below my ears on the neck when I press as if there is some swelling.

Should I continue the medicine for a few more days? Please recommend.
Simran25 10 months ago
Now take Kalium Bichromicum 30c, and take 5 drops in some water thrice a day for 3 days , you will be fine , God bless u
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-26 05:44:08]
drsajid 10 months ago
I have kali bichromicum 200 with me. Can that be used instead or should I order the 30c concentration?
Simran25 10 months ago
No u can take in 200c, but 1 dose daily for 3 days.
drsajid 10 months ago
I took one dose of Kali bichromicum 200 today and my throat again feels dry and I have less saliva in my mouth. The dryness of my throat is triggering the cough.
When I took Causticum for 3 days the saliva production increased and my throat dryness had improved a lot.
Please recommend if I should continue taking kali bichromicum for 2 more days or if there is a different treatment to relieve throat dryness and increase saliva production.
Thank you,
Simran25 10 months ago
U do not take more dose of Kali Bich, instead u wait for 3 days without any remedy. And then again describe the symptoms.
drsajid 10 months ago
Thank you Dr. Sajid! I will wait 3 days and let you know.
Simran25 10 months ago
Thnx, hope symptoms will subcides, if it persists then we will take the symptoms briefly .
drsajid 10 months ago
Hello Dr. Sajid,
It’s been 3 days since I took Kali Bich or any other medicine. My coughing is reduced to occasional cough, but the top of my mouth and back of my throat is still dry. My throat also feels raw by the end of the day and is dry. I am still clearing my throat multiple times as if something is stuck.
Please recommend what medicine I can take for dry and rough throat that needs constant cleaning.
Thank you,
Simran25 10 months ago
you pls take Arum Triphyllum 30c,
And Ferrum Phos 6x, 4 pills, thrice a day for 2 days and report back about the conditions,
drsajid 10 months ago
I don’t have arum triphyllum 30c but have ferrum phos. 6x.
I there an alternative medicine in place of arum triphyllum. Please let me know, otherwise I can go ahead and place my order. Would I need this in liquid or pills will work too?
Simran25 10 months ago
Hmmm, ok u take Ferrum Phos, for 2 days,
One thing u tell me about ur thirst, your digestives, ur bowl habbits , your food likings..
drsajid 10 months ago
Since my throat has been dry for the past few months, I drink a lot of water not out of thirst but to relieve dryness. My bowl movements are normal and I go once after I wake up in the morning. I enjoy eating chocolate, mango, citrus fruits, fried and spicy foods. I try to drink milk twice a day either in oatmeal or cereal.

In addition, I have borderline high cholesterol (around 235) for the past 18 years since I had kids. For the past 4 years, I have has fungus infection only on my right foot when keeps coming and going.

Personality- I am more of an introvert person and try to deal with my own problems. Even small issues lead me to worry a lot until it is resolved.

Please let me know if you need any further information.
Thank you,
Simran25 10 months ago
Ok, when will u get Arum Triphyllum?
And also Ars Alb 30, for your mental symptoms,
Also to address cholesterol level and fungus issues.
drsajid 10 months ago
I haven’t ordered arum triphyllum yet. But I can order it now if it is still needed. Do I need it in liquid or pills?
I have ars alb 30. How and when I am supposed to take it?

I took Ferrum phos 6x for 2 days and my throat dryness has improved a lot. I would say there is 70% improvement. Should I continue taking it for a few more days?

Thank you for your treatment plan.
Simran25 10 months ago
U have no need to order Arum, wait and continue Ferrum phos for 3 more days
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-03 16:05:32]
drsajid 10 months ago
Thank you Dr. Sajid! I will continue with ferrum phos and update you in 3 days.
Do I need to take ars alb 30 as well?
Simran25 10 months ago
I will take again the whole symptoms of u , after this, and will suggest .
drsajid 10 months ago
Hello Dr. Sajid,
My throat dryness is much better after 2 more days of ferrum phos. Now I am only experiencing dryness for an hour or so after eating a meal. But somehow my throat is irritated today and the coughing has returned. Please recommend.
Simran25 10 months ago
Ok u can take Drosera 30c, only 2 doses 1 in morning and 1 at night and then stop, and keep taking Ferrum Phos
drsajid 10 months ago
Hello doctor,
Here is a change in my throat dryness. It is better for most of the day. After eating a meal especially dinner, I feel dryness just on the right side of the throat as if it is dry and prickly. I took ferrum phos 1/2 hour after dinner and that helped a bit. I noticed that the dryness and prickly feeling is what triggers the cough. Otherwise, I am not coughing all day.

Do you recommend I continue taking ferrum phos 3 doses daily? For how long?
Simran25 10 months ago

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