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scabies help, won´t go away since 2 years

have anybody scabies won´t go away? I have it for 2 years now and it is horrobil.
I try everything (all chemicals / medicine, all natural things with vaseline and sulfur and with all ethereal oils, with enzyme, with borax, CDL, bleech and so on outside , mixed it in all ways. and inside with ivermectin in a high way, with other medicine for animals, sulfur, bitter herbs, CDL, Borax , Turpentine oil, supplements also probiotica, fermented drinks and so on and with bath with borax, bleech, salt, epson salt and so on. Homoepatic: sulfur, arsenicum album, kali-sulf, sepia, causticum, psorinum, apis, natrium muriaticum, staphisagria, ...) Only the speed of spreading reduced. Now I´m full from toe to scalp. And the horrobil mites are deeper under the skin, so that you can´t see them and the poison don´t reach them enough.
I have no bore tunnel (havn´t also the other family members, but there serveral times ivermectin helps), only some light red spots, sometimes. And all doctors say it is nothing and it is so painfull the stinging, burning and itching. They don´t want to take a skin sample. My blood values shows that I fighting with parasites. And that my immune system is getting fast down. (That I must pay by myself) I have lost 30 kg weight since yet. I can´t anymore. Have anybody an idea? now I use supplements and lachesis C 30 and enzyme spray. Thank you for answering

Lachesis because of (scabies (are in the book for skin diseases for scabies) / heart problems /weaker, faster pulse, edema in the ankles)
  Tobera on 2024-04-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sulphar q +azadirachta q + echnicea q mix all and apply to infected area twice or thrice a day
sunil201984 last week
Sulphur Q and Azadirachta Q and echnicea Q mix in Water and then spray on the whole body ? I have it on the whole body, because of this I asking, if I can do the remedies it in water.
Tobera last week
Better to mix all medicine and buy sulphur ointment seperataly and mix ointment and medicine in 80 20 ratio 20 medicine 80 ointment
Twice or thrice a day
sunil201984 last week
God bless u cure
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-26 05:52:36]
drsajid last week

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