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Right Hand Swollen And Painful Causing Illness Page 2 of 2

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Ok I will do these things and get back after 7 days. Thank You very much.
Alimp 3 weeks ago
I have one question. What potency is the Wyethia? Thanks.
Alimp 3 weeks ago
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Ok Thank you.
Alimp 2 weeks ago
I’m have not found Wyethia Q but one company has 6c and 30c. I ordered the 6c and it is coming in two days. Will this work and what dose should I take? Thank you.
Alimp last week
anuj srivastava last week
Ok. Thank you.
Alimp last week
Here is my report;
Throat and nose I noticed are 20% better this week.
Throat- itchy at roof of mouth and back soft part like must be scratched now. In afternoons and again in late evenings. Rubbing with tongue helps a bit. Drinking or eating helps a lot. A swelling or bump is at middle of soft section on roof of mouth. Feels pain like a canker sore in mouth. Drinking or eating helps a lot.
Nose- running two times per day which is less, and must blow to clear and rub nose from side to side to relieve itch. Must spit out mucus from throat in morning and afternoon.
Cough- hmmm cough to clear throat in the morning and evening. Works 20% better after 3-4 tries. Before it didn’t work.
Headache- back of head 10% better. Worse in left side with sore tendons when turning head. (An old injury on left side whiplash) feels like sore muscles hurts only when move.
Last week Right hand- swollen at back at base of thumb with skin sore and hot to touch after injury sliver on thumb. Now 70% better.
This week Left hand- swollen at back at base of thumb with skin sore like hot bruise. From insect bite on knuckle of first finger.
Insect Bites- itchy starts in the morning and only better if cold wash and covered with a bandaid. Red raised circles at too of legs and on stomach.
Right foot- too of foot swollen and sore to move foot up while heal is on ground.
Right big toe - fungus is still the same with a bit lighter colour. I have not yet received the Dr Receweg R82.
Old Returning:
Left foot bunion- on big toe is red and a bit swollen but no pain.
Left big toe- skin still swollen and tough like leather.
Both legs - have small bump at the top lymph nodes area.
Shower- too hot and felt exhausted after.
Drank one small cup of coffee- later that evening feet and hands hot and swelled around knuckles. White skin and stiff to move with tightness when try to move. This always happens to right wrist after I eat or drink something high in additives. But this time it was both hands and feet.
Wart on left side of head- usually flat with uneven edge, but is now puffed up slightly during full moon.
Tip of nose- Feels swollen and a bit larger than the rest of my nose.
Outbreaks on skin above eyebrows- small bumps like pimples.
Jaw- pain on right side feels like stiff muscles with swelling in front of ear. Cannot chew food with this.
I am more relaxed this week and not so much in a hurry with everything that I am doing. People around me are helping more and it makes me happy. I find that I have to slow down and talk quieter because they can’t take it when I talk loud and fast. It’s frustrating when my daughter doesn’t want to take advice. But they have to find their own way in life.
Sleep- less insomnia and falling asleep quicker and sleeping for 7 hours instead of six hours plus naps.
Dreams- busy and full of tasks to do and getting the tasks done after delays and detours. Similar to my real life.
If you need more information please let me know. Thank you very much for your help.
Alimp yesterday
anuj srivastava yesterday

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