The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Excessive heat during sleep
Im a 68 yr old man in good health who heats up during sleep. I fall asleep easily, but have to move away from hot spots during the night. Any suggestions for a remedy? Thanks.Radio Nic on 2024-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take one dose of Sulphur 30c, empty stomach daily for 3 days and report back
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
I took the Suplhur before bed for 3 nights, no change in the heat I radiate during sleep. the other odd symptom is my ears burn during sleep. I have to flip from side to side through the night because they burn and hurt.
Radio Nic 9 months ago
Pls give complete history, each and every symptom, like mental symtoms,mood swings, etc physical symptoms , digestion, thirst, effects of hot or cold weather, which weather suits u, hot or cold, foos cravings
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
HIV positive for 33 years.
health & blood work is good
some joint swelling in fingers
some peripheral neuropathy in feet & hands (HIV meds?)
digestion is good
having trouble losing 20 lbs of torso weight.
crave salty foods
some thirst at night
some worry/stress/frustration with home & work
hair loss increasing
various mild skin rashes that come & go
bothered by high humidity
health & blood work is good
some joint swelling in fingers
some peripheral neuropathy in feet & hands (HIV meds?)
digestion is good
having trouble losing 20 lbs of torso weight.
crave salty foods
some thirst at night
some worry/stress/frustration with home & work
hair loss increasing
various mild skin rashes that come & go
bothered by high humidity
Radio Nic 9 months ago
I have made a comrehensive treatment plan for u,
1. Lachesis (30C, 3 times a day) - for
heat intolerance, hot flashes, and
swelling in fingers and feet.
2. Natrum Mur (30C, 3 times a
day) - for weight loss, cravings for
salty foods, and emotional
Cell Salt:
1. Natrum Phosphoricum (6X, 3
times a day) - for joint swelling,
peripheral neuropathy, and skin
Take 3 pellets of each remedy, 3
times a day, 15 minutes apart.
For cell salt, take 3 tablets, 3 times
a day, 15 minutes apart.
Also you need a more professional approach for follow-ups
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-23 17:23:24]
1. Lachesis (30C, 3 times a day) - for
heat intolerance, hot flashes, and
swelling in fingers and feet.
2. Natrum Mur (30C, 3 times a
day) - for weight loss, cravings for
salty foods, and emotional
Cell Salt:
1. Natrum Phosphoricum (6X, 3
times a day) - for joint swelling,
peripheral neuropathy, and skin
Take 3 pellets of each remedy, 3
times a day, 15 minutes apart.
For cell salt, take 3 tablets, 3 times
a day, 15 minutes apart.
Also you need a more professional approach for follow-ups
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-23 17:23:24]
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
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