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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How to dodge traditional medicnes?

Dear Sirs
My uncle a 67 year old man has been suffering from diabetes and highpertension for about 20 years. he takes linagliptin5 mg and metformin 1000mg for diabetes and for hypertension Telmisartan Am 80mg+5mg Very rrecently he is diagnosed with high Triglycerides 503 along with TSH 6.4. Are there medicnes to combat these problems? The person is very gentle, polite and a retired teacher. his height is 56 with fair complexion. A timid typeof peson ,he is a peace loving person.
if anyone suggest remedies for the man, I am obliged.
Thanks and regards
  sandy3 on 2024-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Follow the prescription below,

Take Lycopodium clavatum 200C
at 8 am and 8 pm
Take Thyroidinum 30C at 9 am and
9 pm
Take Phosphorus 30C at 10 am
and 10 pm
Take this prescription for 7 days and report back
drsajid last month
Dear Sir, Will he take all the remedies in empty stomach?
sandy3 last month
No he can take after meals, but with a gap of 30 mins
drsajid last month
Thanks a lot Sir.
sandy3 last month

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