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Dad-deafness after activity

Hi there

My Dad is nearly 80 and has been experiencing a muffled deafness after activity, for example he mows he lawn and his hearing is fine but when he goes inside to sit down, his ears block up and hearing becomes very muffled, his voice goes hoarse and he starts to feel very frustrated. It seems to be happening AFTER activity, not during. He has had his ears checked and its not a wax buildup. It comes and goes many times during the day, mainly in the left ear but sometimes also in the right. This has been going on for about a year and hes getting very annoyed because of it. When he gets hot and goes for a walk, once he returns and sits down,it comes on. But while moving, it doesnt seem to be an issue as much. After movement is there it becomes a problem.

He is s a solid man, drinking beer all of his life so he has a beer-belly, social, normally jolly but is also very quick to anger, quick to snap. Very bad short-term memory due to a stoke he had at 39. Gets frustrated very easily over small tasks that he cant recall how to do etc. He feels the cold, but can handle heat fairly well. Has a sweet tooth, likes company and loves his food. His temper is a massive issue for my mum, he swears and has tantrums over small things very often (I think hes quite liverish from years of alcohol). I have him on Lions Mane mushroom to help with his memory and mood which seems to help that side of things.

His hearing is getting worse with age, but this on-off deafness/muffled thing is different to his general hearing. Its like glue-ear or something that changes many times during the day. He always has a hoarse voice when it comes on which is also peculiar.

Do you have anything that you can suggest?
thanks so much, very grateful.
  Tan27 on 2024-05-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava last month
Thank you Anuj, I will get those tomorrow to him. Many thanks
Tan27 3 weeks ago

My Dad has been on Petroleum now for 4 days, he is very impressed as his ears are still blocking up on and off but only once or twice per day and not as intensely, he is not as irritated by it either. My Mum has said that hes normally experiencing it 5 or 6 times per day some days and it is very unbearable and extremely irritating for him and hes very vocal about it (very very bad mood).

She has said that hes not complaining much, its still occurring but hes not as vocal at all and hes only getting it once or twice a day much milder. So we are all very impressed.

I have just learned tonight that he has been taking Petroleum 200c not the 30c though, even though I told him which one to take last week, he didnt listen properly. Should he stay on the 200c or switch to 30c or something else? Hes taken it 3 times daily.

Hes been taking the Silica 6x and Nat Mur 6x as directed as well.
Should he change anything or continue?

We really appreciate you!
Thanks so much.
Tan27 2 weeks ago


anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Hello Anuj

Is that just the one dose of Petroleum 200c 3 times a week

or 3 doses in a day for 3 times a week?

Tan27 2 weeks ago
Is that just the one dose of 3 times a week.YES
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
thank you so much. Dr Anuj
Ill let him know to reduce his dosage
Tan27 2 weeks ago
Hello Dr Anuj

My Dad has reduced his dose of Petroleum 200c to one dose taken 3 times per week and is on Silica 6x and Nat Mur 6x as directed and hes done this for a week now.

His ear muffled/blocking up is still occurring perhaps 1 or 2 times per day, always when he sits down after moving. It is not as bad or intense as it was before he started taking any remedies, but it is still happening and still a problem. He is very impressed as conventional Ear Nose and Throat Doctors are not helping. He is running out of the tissue salts, should I purchase more of the same and continue or change?
Does he stay on this remedy or change potency/remedy?
His temper has improved because this issue has improved since under your care, so we are all very grateful. It is changing the ambience in the house!

With thanks and gratitude
Tan27 last week
Same remedies including tissue salts.Weekly feedbacks.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-06-17 13:34:52]
anuj srivastava last week
Hi Dr Anuj

My Dad is having his muffled/blocking ears only one or two times per day still. The episodes are much more bearable, he is less aggravated by it, it still comes on but its not as intense. His mood swings have settled down a lot because his ears are much less problematic. Still occurring, but hes not as irate.

Hes having them one or two times per day compared to 5-6 times per day so its very impressive. Hes taking the Petroleum 200c one dose 3 times per week and the tissue salts daily 3 times as directed.
Should he continue on the same regime?
Thanks so much.
Tan27 yesterday
Same remedies with a feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 23 hours ago

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