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phlegm problem with chronic high bp and slip disc problem
Hello Sir,My mother ageing near 58 yrs is suffering from High BP and having Slip Disc problem for many years.
Her symptoms are as follows:
Physical Symptoms:
(a) Increased Thirst and Dry mouth
(b) Problem of High BP since 2006 ranging upto 100/190
mm hg (Headache due to High BP sometimes; centre and
last part of brain)
(c) Phelgm in throat ; running nose as if in cold but phelgm not coming out throgh nose. Bulgum/Phelgm comes out through mouth only. Sometimes blackish in color. Inhaling makes sound due to cough/phelgm.
(d) Obese (weighing near 95 to 100 kg) ; had got uterus operated in 1995 for Stone problem
(e) Near sighted ness > 1.5 as well as far sighted
ness > 2.5
(f) Triglyceride (327.4) more than required
(g) Uric Acid 5.21
(h) Weakness ; cannot walk much. Legs become lifeless,
(i) Backache from above waist. Slip disc problem (lower back) since 1995 approximately; previouly had sciatica pain but now subsided. Legs sometimes pain randomly. Knees get stiff if stood prolonged.
(j) Acidity problem sometime
(k) Hunger normal; sleep normal
(l) Craving for sweet foods and chilled items
(m) Increased Sweating on forehead
Mental Symptoms:
(a) Normal Sleep; restlessness at night sometimes
(b) Overthinking (Brooding Over)
(c) Weak Memory; forgets person’s name
(d) Anxiety. Easy to weep
(e) Sometimes angry
(f) Depressed mind
I request honorable homeopaths to suggest some medicine/remedy with which the problematic symptoms may be eradicated permanently.
Thank you all
Rocky1987 on 2024-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
♡ anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thank you sir,
1. She is already having allopathic tablet - Almodipine I.P. 5mg. Should it be continued?
2. Day 4 onwards,,
NUX VOM 200 ,Kali Phos 6x and Nat Phos 6x tablest will remain continued + additional Digitalinum 30 will be added,
Do you imply the same?
1. She is already having allopathic tablet - Almodipine I.P. 5mg. Should it be continued?
2. Day 4 onwards,,
NUX VOM 200 ,Kali Phos 6x and Nat Phos 6x tablest will remain continued + additional Digitalinum 30 will be added,
Do you imply the same?
Rocky1987 9 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thank you sir,
Day 4 onwards,,
Nux Vom 200 , Kali Phos 6, and Nat Phos 6 tablest will remain continued + additional Digitalinum will be added,
Do you imply the same?
Day 4 onwards,,
Nux Vom 200 , Kali Phos 6, and Nat Phos 6 tablest will remain continued + additional Digitalinum will be added,
Do you imply the same?
Rocky1987 9 months ago
Hello Srivastava Sir,
She is having medicines as prescribed, but still she is having burning sensations in upper part of the stomach, sometimes not regularly.
Please advise.
She is having medicines as prescribed, but still she is having burning sensations in upper part of the stomach, sometimes not regularly.
Please advise.
Rocky1987 8 months ago
Good Morning Anuj Sir,,
Hope you will be all fine!!
This is regarding the follow up of the case under discussion
My mothers coughing problem is getting alleviated.
These are her current symptoms.
1. Very little urgent to cough as compared to previous
2. Allopathic tablet of high BP is continued
3. Still, there is phelgm/bulgum in her throat area, which sometimes come out while coughing.
Currently she is taking all your prescribed medicines except Nux Vomca 200.
Apart from these my major concern is her weight.How can we reduce her weight as she is obese (more than 90 kg).
Please advise..
Thank you
Hope you will be all fine!!
This is regarding the follow up of the case under discussion
My mothers coughing problem is getting alleviated.
These are her current symptoms.
1. Very little urgent to cough as compared to previous
2. Allopathic tablet of high BP is continued
3. Still, there is phelgm/bulgum in her throat area, which sometimes come out while coughing.
Currently she is taking all your prescribed medicines except Nux Vomca 200.
Apart from these my major concern is her weight.How can we reduce her weight as she is obese (more than 90 kg).
Please advise..
Thank you
Rocky1987 8 months ago
Same protocol.Feedback after 7 days.
Apart from these my major concern is her weight.ANULOM VILOM PRANAYAM and KAPALBHATI PRANAYAM are the best to get rid of excess weight.Wtch videos on youtube to master the art of doing them.
Apart from these my major concern is her weight.ANULOM VILOM PRANAYAM and KAPALBHATI PRANAYAM are the best to get rid of excess weight.Wtch videos on youtube to master the art of doing them.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hello Anuj Sir,,
Hope you would be all fine!
My mother is taking the discussed medicines for subject problem.
But, almost on daily basis, after meals, she is having burning sensation/acidity problem in the stomach (both sides).
When sometimes she takes allopathic medicine - Rabeprazole Sodium (EC) and Dompridone (SR) Capsules, for acidity, then it is alleviated temporarily.
Please advise.
If we can do more to cure this stomach burning sensation/acidity problem permanently.
Thank you.
Hope you would be all fine!
My mother is taking the discussed medicines for subject problem.
But, almost on daily basis, after meals, she is having burning sensation/acidity problem in the stomach (both sides).
When sometimes she takes allopathic medicine - Rabeprazole Sodium (EC) and Dompridone (SR) Capsules, for acidity, then it is alleviated temporarily.
Please advise.
If we can do more to cure this stomach burning sensation/acidity problem permanently.
Thank you.
Rocky1987 8 months ago
30 minutes before meals 10-15 tabs of Nat Phos 6x repeat after meals also giving a gap of 30 minutes.
Early morning empty stomach she should have lemon water-one full lemon,without mixing anything.
Early morning empty stomach she should have lemon water-one full lemon,without mixing anything.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hello Anuj Sir!
Regarding my mother; she is fine now, taking regular medicines as advised. Burning sensation is healed (not permanently), as it sometimes happens.
But still she is not having a clear throat.
There is phelgm/bulgum (thick white colour) in her throat,(though not having fever, cold, coughing and sneezing), which she has to throw out by forcefully coughing oftenly sometimes.
Whereas she is taking all the medicines as prescribed.
Advise please!!
Thank you.
Regarding my mother; she is fine now, taking regular medicines as advised. Burning sensation is healed (not permanently), as it sometimes happens.
But still she is not having a clear throat.
There is phelgm/bulgum (thick white colour) in her throat,(though not having fever, cold, coughing and sneezing), which she has to throw out by forcefully coughing oftenly sometimes.
Whereas she is taking all the medicines as prescribed.
Advise please!!
Thank you.
Rocky1987 8 months ago
Hello Sir,
Hope you are all fine.
My mother is now fine as compared to previous.
But still she is having phelgm inside her throat due to which she has to cough up oftenly.
Thank you.
Hope you are all fine.
My mother is now fine as compared to previous.
But still she is having phelgm inside her throat due to which she has to cough up oftenly.
Thank you.
Rocky1987 8 months ago
Good afternoon Sir,
Hope you would be all fine.
Regarding my mothers health.
She is now feeling good comparatively.
Phelgm and burning sensations are less. She is taking medicines regularly.
Thank you.
Hope you would be all fine.
Regarding my mothers health.
She is now feeling good comparatively.
Phelgm and burning sensations are less. She is taking medicines regularly.
Thank you.
Rocky1987 7 months ago
Hello Sir,
Regarding my mother,,
She is now fine comparatively..
Her cough and burning sensations are normalised slowly.
One another problem is there..
Few months ago she had a torn muscle of right shoulder.. which was paining very much at the beginning..though is paining less now..but still pain is not completely gone..what can we do to alleviate this pain also..??
Regarding my mother,,
She is now fine comparatively..
Her cough and burning sensations are normalised slowly.
One another problem is there..
Few months ago she had a torn muscle of right shoulder.. which was paining very much at the beginning..though is paining less now..but still pain is not completely gone..what can we do to alleviate this pain also..??
Rocky1987 7 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 7 months ago
Hi sir,
Hope you are all fine..
My mother is good now comparatively..
Having less burning sensation and less cough also.
Thank you..
Hope you are all fine..
My mother is good now comparatively..
Having less burning sensation and less cough also.
Thank you..
Rocky1987 6 months ago
Hi Sir,
Hope you would be all fine!
Regarding my mother,,,
She is not completely well. She is still having following issues:
1. Cough/Phelgm problem is not completely cured. In the morning she is having a sudden outburst of coughing and she has to clear her throat by coughing and spitting out the phelgm.
2. There is a pain (due to torn muscle) of her right shoulder. She is still feeling the pain due to which she is unable to sleep on her right arm and a very sharp and sudden pain travels from her ring finger to her whole arm.
Hope you would be all fine!
Regarding my mother,,,
She is not completely well. She is still having following issues:
1. Cough/Phelgm problem is not completely cured. In the morning she is having a sudden outburst of coughing and she has to clear her throat by coughing and spitting out the phelgm.
2. There is a pain (due to torn muscle) of her right shoulder. She is still feeling the pain due to which she is unable to sleep on her right arm and a very sharp and sudden pain travels from her ring finger to her whole arm.
Rocky1987 6 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
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