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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

brain stroke

Kind regards,

my dear uncel (88 year old)had a brain stroke on last Saturday. He is in hospital now, they did two CT of his head but they did not find any clot or spillage of blood. He can not find the words to speek and he also have paralyzed right hand and leg.

wich remedy i should give him?

i really wish to help him, so that he could speek and use hand and leg.

Thanks a lot for answere
  shamfe on 2024-06-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
BOTHROPS LANCIOLATUS 30 five pellets three times a day.Feedback after 7 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-06-05 01:07:08]
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thanx a lot.
I need to find this remedy, we do not have it in Slovenia, mybe i find it in Austria.
shamfe 9 months ago

Above is an Indian site from where you can get all homeopathic remedies.



Austrian Site
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
For a case like your uncles, where there has been a stroke with resulting aphasia (inability to find words to speak) and right-sided paralysis, the homeopathic remedy Causticum often comes to mind. This remedy is indicated for paralysis, particularly of the right side, and difficulty in speech after a stroke.
Suggested Remedy and Potency
Remedy:Causticum 200c

Dosage Administer
Causticum 200C, once daily for three days.Reassess the symptoms after three days. If there is improvement, do not repeat the dose and observe. If the symptoms persist or improve slightly, you can repeat the dose once a week.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-06-06 05:33:05]
drsajid 9 months ago

Check out the above link.also thrombotic phenomena, as hemiplegia , aphasia, inability to articulate (Linn J. Boyd).
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
anuj srivastava said https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Both

Check out the above link.also thrombotic phenomena, as hemiplegia , aphasia, inability to articulate (Linn J. Boyd).
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
I advised Causticum symptomatically,
And if we prescribe pathologically,another remedy comes to mind and that is Aur Met,
Based on the symptoms described—paralysis of the right hand and leg and difficulty in speech following a stroke, with no clot or hemorrhage detected—a homeopathic remedy that might be suitable is Aurum Metallicum. This remedy is often indicated in cases of paralysis, especially following a stroke, and is known to be beneficial in neurological conditions affecting speech.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-06-06 06:33:35]
drsajid 9 months ago
We both have different thinking and analyzing approach Anuj,
But to prevent confusion i will like to say that patient should be given the remedy which is advised 1st, and if he didnt get noticable improvement then he should go for the opinion respected dr Anuj advised.
drsajid 9 months ago
He can take any remedy.Even if he goes to various homeopaths.They will prescribe differently.Whereas in allopathy they will all prescribe one or two remedies.So interesting.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Yes it is, u r absolutely right anuj
drsajid 9 months ago
Good morning
Because i still wait for remedies you have suggested i give to my uncel wet doses Opium C200, 3 times a day seens friday.this is what i had by hand.
I will get BOTHROPS C30 remedy tomorrow.
His is in hospital, sleeps or napping a lot, cant remember and articulate words, but he understands,rightside hand and leg are improving, he practicing walking with physiotherapist. He dont want to pee in diaper and wants to move from the bed.
Because of that they started to give him some sedatives for the night.
Now, i see that as a problem for me to observe his condition.
I would like to ask you should i continue with BOTHROPS C30 when I get it?
Does BOTHROPS C30 can follow Opium C200?Thank you.
Kind regards
shamfe 9 months ago
Give bothrops as soon as it arrives.

Stop opium when you give the above remedy.Continue giving till the remedy arrives and see.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thank you, i will do.
shamfe 9 months ago

i give bothrops C30 to my oncel seen tuesday, 3 times a day. he is progressing in speech and also in moving right leg and arm.
he is still in hospital.
the problem that appears last night is that he had some delusions, he was saying this morning that he was deep down in ground and he could not go out. all night he was restless, they say in hospital.
momentaly i do not know if they still give him any sedative medicine, i will get this information tomorrow in consultation with doctor.
do you think that have something to do with the homeopathic remedy? Should i stop with bothrops?
the regime in this part of the hospital is not very friendly, we (me and my sister) have difficulties to visit him, but doctor alowed us to come 3 times daily to give him homeopathic remedy.in our country people are still very mistrust about alternative treatment. from my point of view we do not have any other options,alopathy can not do anything in this case.
Thank you for the answer
shamfe 8 months ago
do you think that have something to do with the homeopathic remedy? NO

Should i stop with bothrops?YES.FEEDBACK AFTER A WEEK.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
thank you very much.
shamfe 8 months ago
hello dr. Anuj

i would like to inform you about the situation with my uncle.
he is now in the rehabilitation spa.
His speech is very good. now and than he still can not remind some words or the time of some events, but the most important is that we can clearly comunicate.
He do not use much his right hand, it seems as he forget to use it. If i tell him to drink or eat with the right hand he can use it but it is not really strong yet. the same is with the right leg. he do not woke alone but he can allready stand up from the chair and physiotherapist is working with him on walking. He has one week more of spa infront of him and i hope they will help him to progress in walking.
Ones he get use to new place (needs few days) as spa in this case, he is well in general, with no pain and positive attitude.
This spa is quite far from our home and we can not visit him every day so i am wondreing how to continue with homeopathic treatment. What is you advise? How we should continue and with wich remedy?
Thank you a lot for your help
shamfe 8 months ago
Same remedies.Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Thank you for the answer.
so i continue with bothrops C30, 3 times a day?
Do you think it is a problem if he get remedy only every 2nd day? Sorry for that kind of question, I know it would be better everyday but situation is difficult.
kind regards
shamfe 8 months ago
You can give alternate days.But every day is advisable.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
hello dr. Anuj

the condition with my uncel is much better.
speech is mostly well, now and than he looks for some word but it is not disturbing.
he started to walk with the help of walker (he is not stable yet) and he eat with the right hand. I still can notice that he hold the right hand as it is damaged and as he would like to save it (protect it). If i tell him to use it he can do so. He still can not cut food alone and to hold bigger glas (for exp.) only with right hand wich is shaking a bit. He can shake the hand strongly.
Seens last Wednesday he was taking the remedy 3 times a day mostly by him self. I can visite him every secound day only thats why i gave him wet doses. I prepare wet dose of remedy for two days so i can see if he has been drinking it.I also call him to remaind him to take the remedy and he always tells me: do not worry i did take it and i will do so and I do not eat and drink a half an hour before and after taking it.He understands that is essential for him to take remedy.
In general he is in a good mood and without any pain. Now he has one week more of rahabilitation spa befront of him (
extension for a week), after that he will go home, hopefuly fit enough that he would be able to walk alone at least to the toalet for example. They still do not work on that enough by my opinion, probably becouse of shortages of staff.

Would you please give me instructions how to continue with therapy.
Thank you a lot for everything.
Grateful, Shamfe
shamfe 8 months ago
It will take time for complete healing.Same remedies to continue with weekly feedbacks.

You will have to hire a good physio for his therapy.I will not be able to advise you on the issue.

But the progress is commendable.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Thank you very much for reply.
We will continue with bothrops C30 and i will write to you in a week.
shamfe 8 months ago
Hello dr. Anuj
my uncle came home yesterday from rehabilitation spa.
In last week of spa he started to go out of the bed alone and walk to the toilet ( still wears diaper, because he is very slow) When he went out of the room and out of the building he has been pushing the wheelchair infront of him as accessory for stability. To this idea he came with his roommate at the spa. They decided to go to the bar for a drink and they find the way.
He is not completely stable yet but at home he moves around the house by him self. (wich makes me worried a bit but happy at the same time).
Right hand is the same as it was a week ago. He forgets to use it. When i tell him to use it, he can do so. Hand is not week, he just simply forget to use it, he wants to do everything with the left one.
His speech is clear, well i would say.
Sometimes he still can not find the word for some things and do not recalls some resent events.
When he can not recall something, he get a bit angry on him self and he says: eh, i do not know and do not care and then he start laugh.
In general he is in a good mood, without any pain, but more and more demanding and commanding.

Please advise me if i should continue to give him the same remedy or i should stop or change the remedy. Now is allredy 4 weeks of taking bothrops C30 every day for 3 times.

Thank you a lot
Grateful, Shamfe
shamfe 8 months ago
anuj srivastava 8 months ago

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