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Wet dose bottle storage

my name is Vassilis and I would like to ask about the wet dose has been described by Joe De Livera.
Where should we keep the bottle with the arnicas drops? Could we put it into the fridge?

best regards,
[Edited by vassilis on 2024-06-12 08:36:21]
  vassilis on 2024-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Keep the remedies in a cool, dark, dry place, away from strong smells (pot-pourri, spices, etc.) Refrigerator and bathroom cabinets are not good places because they are damp and sometimes moldy. Also keep the lids of the bottles tightly closed. Keep the remedies away from the microwave oven, and from electrical panels – the microwave and electromagnetic field seem to weaken the remedies over time.

Don’t leave the remedies in car on hot day – the heat will weaken them.

Keep out of reach of children, as with any medication.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
thank you very much for your reply! I really appreciate it.
For the bottle with water and the 3 drops of arnica is not possible to keep it into a cool and dry place for more than 3 days, I live in Greece and the temperature is almost 40 Celcious degrees. So, I suppose I can keep it into the fridge. Am i right?

warm regards,
vassilis 4 months ago
I suppose I can keep it into the fridge. Am i right? NO

Keep the remedies in a cool, dark, dry place, away from strong smells.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
thank you!!!
vassilis 4 months ago

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