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Stuffy nose, heart pressure difficulty breathing

Im single female 38, I have history of cataract and flu since childhood but after COVID Im having permanent stuffy nose and when I put alot of effort to clear my nose I feel its stuff with flu and its not coming out.

Also I get alot of panic cuz of my breathing issues , I feel suffocated in bathroom during showers, in room at night, and winters are particularly so difficult for me as I need to close the door to keep warm but feel so suffocated that I cry aloud at night

Heart: I feel a constant pressure on heart due to lack of proper breathing as if someone has close my nose and put a little stone on my heart.

Digestive system;

Ive history of piles and also have acute constipation


Ive bad dreams of deceased family members and theyre constantly on mind.

Also I am obsessed with death.


Theres a weight gain of about 15 kilos, from 60 to 74.

Now Im around 70 kg height 57 ft

Blackheads and p
body acnes on butt n one one back.
  Katrina2 on 2024-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You take
Ars Alb 30c + kali Bich 30c
5 drops if liquid form or 3 pellets of each
Thrice a day for a week
drsajid 4 months ago
Katrina2 3 months ago

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