The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Watery red eyes
3.5 year old boy had a chalazion months ago that I just looked is still not full gone under his eye but drained. You see bump on outside and inside. Also right now the past 3 days he’s had watery red ish eyes no discharge. I tried euphrasia each day but not getting better (not worse) and then I tried Hepar sulp once. Any recommendations for both?Namreh14 on 2024-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pulsatilla 30C: Useful for red, watery eyes without discharge, especially if the child is clingy and wants to be comforted.Euphrasia 30C: Known for treating eye conditions, especially if the eyes are red and watery. This remedy is often used when there is irritation but no discharge.Silicea 30C: Helpful for chalazions that are slow to heal and remain as bumps. This can assist in promoting the complete resolution of the chalazion.Staphysagria 30C: If there is a history of styes or chalazions, this remedy can be beneficial, particularly when the condition recurs or persists.
♡ drsajid 8 months ago
Ive been using pulsatilla several times a day but the bottom half of his eyes are still red.
Namreh14 8 months ago
Give cell salt Ferrum Phos 6x, 1 tablet thrice a day
♡ drsajid 8 months ago
I forgot to add I was doing cell salts too I had been given that as well 2-3 x a day. I’m continuing that anything else I can try?
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Namreh14 8 months ago
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