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Frequent daily hives rash on various parts of body in 7-year old female

Hello. I am seeking advice on my seven-year-old daughter who has recently been breaking out in hives multiple times daily. I used a homeopathic product called A.Vogel Allergy Relief, because it was what I had on hand. It does help, but the hives still come back after a few hours.

Two years ago my daughter developed pneumonia after having Covid-19 and I consulted with a homeopathic doctor. We got Sulphur 30C which did not help with coughing and a fine rash on the skin.
We then got Phosphorous 30C as a recommendation and it really helped. I gave it to her for some time and then stopped because consulting with the doctor was expensive.

Now I have returned to giving my daughter Phosphorous 30C. I give 5 pellets to her in the morning and again in the night. It does help for a short time, but the hives rashes in the skin keeps coming back.
She is also having urgency to urinate (sometimes she doesnt make it to the bathroom at night), nausea (usually night-time) but no vomiting, coughing that comes from coldness (usually at night when we make the AC cold to sleep), and she is very touchy and loves to be touched.

Please help me with what I can give to her for relief.
Thanks in advance.
  HighestAims on 2024-06-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sulphur 30c twice a day for 5 days
drsajid 3 months ago
I have some on hand and I began the course.
HighestAims 3 months ago
I have run the course of Sulphur 30C for 5 days. I have noticed a little improvement, but some times during the day, she still breaks out in hives.
I have eliminated some possible controversial foods from her diet, like shrimps and gluten, but Id like to go a day without seeing her break out in hives.
Any advice is much appreciated.
HighestAims 3 months ago

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