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old pile problem (dry wart) 8


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

old pile problem (dry wart)

Good Morning Sir,

First of all a lot of thanks to Dr. Anuj and Dr. Sajid for their support and guidance.

Further I want to discuss a case for your kind advice.

My father is 64 years old; weighing normal is having old Pile problem (It was a dry wart; which used to increase in size after intake of hot food) which started in 2003. It used to pain earlier after intake of hot food. At present; dry wart is there, non paining, but its size varies according to nature of food (as said).
Can we give him Thuja Q to relieve from this problem (also local application of Thuja Q on dry wart), please suggest.

Further, some of his symptoms are as follows:

1. Physical Symptoms:

(a) Sleep – normal
(b) Hunger – Feels to be hungry very ofter and likes Milk, sweet food very much. In general he is very foodie person. Never say ‘No’ to food offered randomly.
(c) Feeling heat very much and bathing 3 times daily in summer at least.
(d) Urine normal
(e) Likes sweet very much and if does not eat . feels weak
(f) Does not like junk food or street food
(g) Eyesight weak (myopia -2 and -1.45)

2. Mental Symptoms:

In general saying he is having
(a) OCD since his childhood; (at present checks locks, doors etc. repeatedly and while doing so he does not care about others; fears traffic while driving on road)
(b) Fearful/insecured about life and future;
(c) Lacks self confidence and self esteem (actually there is ZERO self confidence)
(d) Various kinds of delusions (one of his great delusions is his Self Pride or Ego); does not listens to others opinions nor he gives importance to others feelings and emotions
(e) Self centered and selfish at extreme (does not even try to understand others feelings and emotions)
(f) Very much obsessed about money and other possessings to such a level that he has become a big miser
(g) Criticizes others very often but very much religious also
(h) Very much egoistic; thinks he is very knowledgeable/philosopher (seems to be a ragged philosopher like Sulphur)
(i) Very authoritative in behavior and feels insulted by others very often
(j) Not enthusiastic about life
(k) Likes his job; does not like to be idle
(l) Does not like traditions and customs
(m) Faced stress/anxiety in early life but now is hoping for better future

Your valuable advice is needed to heal such a complicated personality but it is requested to kindly address his Pile problem first.

Thank you,

  Rocky1987 on 2024-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I wants to know some more symptoms like
1. Bowel movement - constpation or not
2. feeling during and after passing stool means pricking sensation or burning in piles
3.bleeding piles or not
4.single wart or multiple warts at that site
Dr nishat shaikh last month

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