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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

eye floaters help please


I have many symptoms but right now my question is about the eye floaters that are in both of my eyes, but much worse in the left eye. They are black with dots and strings and get worse when I look at a white screen. Please help!

Thank you so much!
  zephyr1 on 2024-07-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is probably on account of high blood sugar. Please have your blood sugar checked. If it is type 2 diabetes then treatment will have to be for diabetes and not for the eyes.
Not a doc1 2 months ago
Hello thank you for your reply. My blood sugar is within normal limits. I have high cholesterol, but blood sugar is fine.
zephyr1 2 months ago
Please post all your problems. Homeopathy is holistic, the whole body has to be considered. The eyes cannot be treated separately.
Not a doc1 2 months ago

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