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Two had nodules on the inner left thigh

My wife has got two hard knots/dots at the place where the person in the picture had on her left inner thigh. The knots are way deep under the skin as it seems on the bone or touching the bone. She has no pain or anything. But when she touches it hard, she says she feels discomfort. It has been like this for over a year now. We are in monitoring mode right now. She is going to show it to the doctor tomorrow. Meanwhile, I am checking here to see what it could possibly be. I dont want it to be touched unnecessarily. Also, I dont see any particular organ there other than it could possibly be lymph nodes, which I am not sure about.I have asked her to start taking calc flour 6x 3 times a day, but not sure if that will help. Any suggestions??

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  tvik on 2024-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Forgot to mention that she has Hepatitis C for which she is taking allopathic medicine. Not sure if it is connected.
tvik 7 months ago
It will help.To be taken for a couple of months.Three times a day.
anuj srivastava 7 months ago

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