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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I still haven’t been able to find a cure for my chronic migraines. Recently they have been around my temples eyes between top of nose and forehead. Slight nausea and reflux.
  Namreh14 on 2024-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Need complete history in detail to cure you
HealthyWorld last month
I’ve had migraines for 20+ years. As a child I would get heat stroke migraines maybe from age 8 on. Anytime I did any physical activity in super hot conditions I would get them. Then in college they became 247 debilitating. I believe it was from getting the hpv vaccine. Years of trying to figure out the reason or cure no one has been able to. I have been gluten free for 15+ years and diet does help (eating less sugar and dairy) but nothing has ever alleviated them and I haven’t been able to find a direct correlation. I don’t always get them in heat or working out, stressed, eating lots of sugar etc but there are times I do. Then there are times it just happens out of no where random times a day, they last hours days and sometimes weeks. I’ve been diagnosed with chronic migraines so they are always there just vary in intensity. 90% of the time they are halo (around my forehead temples and lower head throbbing pain. Ibuprofen used to help but now I think I’m becoming immune to it so I haven’t been able to get relief. I’ve tried every homeopathy but nothing has helped. One time the comonation sanguaria and spingela helped but hasn’t since. I tried that today and iris vesticula but no relief. I took ibrofen as well with no relief. I am a very active healthy person with 2 kids, my stress levels haven’t been high. I’ve seen a homeopath the last year and nothing she’s put me on has helped. She had me on phosphorus for a while with a weekly dose or carsinosin. I’m on nothing constitutionally now the last month she has me do high high doses of phosphorus then take a break. Weekly she does have me on nat nut 10 min. But it hasn’t helped at all. I get nausea and digestion issues along with the migraines. I am not regular in bowels either.
[Edited by Namreh14 on 2024-08-03 18:01:05]
Namreh14 last month
Hi Namreh14,
Tell me about your:
How is migraine pain now (just write the current time as per your geographic country time and mention about pain, you are supposed to do the same thing when I will ask you next time)
Work nature?
Life style?
Daily schedule?
HealthyWorld last month
35 female Texas United States
Today much better, but still looking for relief for when it happens again. 224 pm
Work from home, own a few businesses that I am able to do from my house on computer. I workout 5:6 times a week. Stretch training, dance, weights and barre classes. 2 kids one is full time in school the other half the time, so he’s with me half the week at home. Also forgot to add I have chronic hemorrhoids as well due to inconsistent bowels.
[Edited by Namreh14 on 2024-08-05 00:55:22]
Namreh14 last month
7pm dallas time migraine got worse its the halo band throbbing pain
Namreh14 last month
I can see many posts are created by you, for difference issues.
It is being difficult for me to collate all the information to analyze your case as I am not sure whether all the posts are created for you or on behalf of others.
Actually, your migraine is chronic and need to be analyzed in detail to cure it properly.
Hence, request you to collate all the information from previous posts and gather it here. You are also requested to add any other problem which you are having, does not mater whether that is related to migraine or not, but dont miss any information about you. It will help me to analyze your case in better way.
Meanwhile please let me know:
is it right sided, with surging sensation like waves of pain rolling up and beating against frontal bone?
Darting pains, from left eye over side of head towards occiput?
Tearing in left temple to upper part of left side of head; headache with aversion to all kinds of food?
Do you have feeling of emptiness and goneness in stomach, very distressing?
Headache every morning with nausea, vertigo,?
Do you have moth spot on forehead?
Is the headache better after meals?
Does you have hair feelingissue?
HealthyWorld last month
and also. please list down name of all the medicines you had taken recently with date and time of use and impact noticed after the usage.
HealthyWorld last month
Yes all posts by me are the same person for migraines. Right now the it rained has moved to left side throbbing pain. By left forehead left temple left lower head.

The summary I gave here is the most detailed and accurate info.

My biggest issue are the migraines. Following issues are stomach (nausea at times and stomach pain), constipation, hemorrhoids, astigmatism (had several chalazions over the last 6 years that caused this- haven’t had one in 6 months), restless legs syndrome, anxiety/panic attacks (anxiety has been minimal and I haven’t had a pan attack in months either and they aren’t constant like they used to be).

I have seen several doctors about the migraines and had mri and cat scans. Everything is normal and they just say I have migraines and put me on medications. Which I’ve tried but none have helped and caused other side effects.
Namreh14 last month
is it right sided, with surging sensation like waves of pain rolling up and beating against frontal bone?
Darting pains, from left eye over side of head towards occiput?
Tearing in left temple to upper part of left side of head; headache with aversion to all kinds of food?
Do you have feeling of emptiness and goneness in stomach, very distressing?
Headache every morning with nausea, vertigo,?
Do you have moth spot on forehead?
Is the headache better after meals?
Does you have hair feeling issue?

and also. please list down name of all the medicines you had taken recently with date and time of use and impact noticed after the usage.
HealthyWorld last month
There’s no consistency with the migraines that’s why it’s hard. It can happen any time of day without or without eating or exercising etc.

But for this one I want to say it began a week ago I got the stomach bug and it’s been from then on I’ve had it really badly. The sickness lasted 4 days but the migraine has been in waves. I’ve had to take ibrofen almost everyday. I took it at 4 am and it removed a lot of the pain in the lower neck and severity overall but I’m still having pulsing pain on my left forehead, temporal and a bit on lower portion of neck. My eye I feel pressure but not pain. Overall right now it’s a draining feeling and just pulsing aching pain. I don’t have any nausea right now.

Like I mentioned early with food there are times when I eat a lot of sugar it will happen but then there are times I eat a lot of sugar and it doesn’t. Yesterday I did an intense workout in the am and then made sweets for lunch and then migraine came on strong around 6/7pm. But during the day I was fine (tolerable my best state I still have some form a headache). Loud sounds and lights do bother me and can also trigger a migraine (but not always).

I haven’t had vertigo in years but it’s never been from a migraine.

Right now the only relief I get is from lying down with my left hand squeezing the areas that hurt and feeling the pulsing if that makes sense. The pain is probably a 7/10 right now and at 3 am it was 10/10.
[Edited by Namreh14 on 2024-08-05 12:53:53]
Namreh14 last month
What is colour of your urine?
HealthyWorld last month
Light yellow.

I forgot to add other things I’ve dealt with almost my entire life were dandruff and keratosis pilarus ( on legs thighs buttocks)

I took ibrofen this am around 8 am and it lessened the severity. Right now 650pm in the best I’ve felt all week.
[Edited by Namreh14 on 2024-08-05 23:50:54]
Namreh14 last month
Please start CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA Q (Mother Tincture)
10 drops in 20 ML of water
3 times daily,

First dose: early in morning before brushing your tooth, just rinse and use it.
Second dose: after 8 hours.
Third dose: after 8 hours.

Dont drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.

Note: Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing, Tobacco and in any form.

Your case is complicated and very chronic, it will take time.
Please keep me updated regularly.
HealthyWorld last month
Thank you will I will try to find product and report back in how long 4-6 weeks?
Namreh14 last month
Whenever you notice any change (positive or negative) please update me.
The duration will depend on outcome.
HealthyWorld last month

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