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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Phosphorous when do I know for sure I need to antidote it?

I deleted this, read final posting.
[Edited by Nel on 2024-08-11 23:14:57]
  Nel on 2024-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday at today is Sunday, she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage.

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m yang sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup on her face hair bear mouth and drew back.

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phis. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since then she cannot fully rest. She ate the last few days but only a little; before that she was anorexic. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who ran tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of complete anorexia. Thin by nature, delicate, small , perky , friendly, no nonsense, brave, I can give many more natural characteristics. After the phos She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question.
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday at today is Sunday, she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage.

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m ysing sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely accidentally possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup on her face hair bear mouth and drew back.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phos. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since the dose she cannot fully rest. She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest.
Phtt try sically, immediately after the on-purpose phos. dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), hee eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing if, and continued to open and squint halfway close another few times.

(She is weekend a little bit by her illness— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two ir three times a day, and before that she ; was anorexic for over four days and before that she threw up everything everything for 4-5 days.She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who ran tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She may o her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.)
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday at today is Sunday, she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage.

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m ysing sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely accidentally possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup on her face hair bear mouth and drew back.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phos. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual . exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts followed by luring on belly.
Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing if, and continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Also unusual.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She may o her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.)
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday at today is Sunday, she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage.

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m ysing sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely accidentally possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phos. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual . exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts followed by luring on belly.
Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing if, and continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Also unusual.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She may o her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.)
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday at today is Sunday, she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage.

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m ysing sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely accidentally possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back. I then left the room to finish preparing her dose and returned and gave it.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid had earlier touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phos. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual . exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts followed by luring on belly.
Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing if, and continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Also unusual.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She may o her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.)
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday at today is Sunday, she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage.

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m ysing sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely accidentally possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back. I then left the room to finish preparing her dose and returned and gave it.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid had earlier touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phos. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual . exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts followed by luring on belly.
Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing if, and continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Also unusual.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She continued to lie on her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. Mouth open is unusual. Tongue out is normal. Mouth closed again minutes later and has remained closed. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.). I will not antidote unless it proves dangerous. How will I know that a mistake was made and antidoting has become needed? What should I antidote with if it were somehow to become needed? If it were to be one clear I had accidentally doses twice and an antidote was needed, I would not WANT TO UNDUE THE WONDERFUL WORKINGS OF ARS.30c.
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday ( today is three days later—Sunday), she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon. Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage, which had by then been diagnosed 3 days prior).

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation that she sniffed before I diluted it more ( I’m ysing sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) and administered it? (Did she get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely accidentally possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back. I then left the room to finish preparing her dose and returned and gave it.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid had earlier touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with on-purpose dose of phos. She had been ready to sleep just prior; since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual . exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts followed by luring on belly.
Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing if, and continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Also unusual.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She continued to lie on her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. Mouth open is unusual. Tongue out is normal. Mouth closed again minutes later and has remained closed. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.). I will not antidote unless it proves dangerous. How will I know that a mistake was made and antidoting has become needed? What should I antidote with if it were somehow to become needed? If it were to be one clear I had accidentally doses twice and an antidote was needed, I would not WANT TO UNDUE THE WONDERFUL WORKINGS OF ARS.30c.
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday ( today is three days later—Sunday), she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon.

( Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage, which was diagnosed 3 days ago).

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation at the time she sniffed it, before I had diluted it more and administered it on purpose? I’m using sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) Did she accidentally get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back. I then left the room to finish preparing her dose and returned and gave it.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid had earlier touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with the on-purpose dose of phos. 30c. She had been ready to sleep just prior; but since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual , staccato , exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts separated by lying on belly for a while.

Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. 30c dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing it, and her eyes continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Like a person might do if the beverage had something wrong with it maybe it n me at e it was already having an effect. Or not . I don’t know.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She continued to lie on her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. Mouth open is unusual. Tongue out is normal. Mouth closed again minutes later and has remained closed. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.). I will not antidote unless it proves dangerous. How will I know that a mistake was made and antidoting has become needed? What should I antidote with if it were somehow to become needed? If it were to be one clear I had accidentally doses twice and an antidote was needed, I would not WANT TO UNDUE THE WONDERFUL WORKINGS OF ARS.30c.

It is 6:38 pm now. She has been awake mostly, just lilting on her belly, but she slept a short cat nap already and has eaten sone food—half of what she would eat if she were well, and exactly the amount she has been eating each day for the past few days.
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday ( today is three days later—Sunday), she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon.

( Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage, which was diagnosed 3 days ago).

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation at the time she sniffed it, before I had diluted it more and administered it on purpose? I’m using sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) Did she accidentally get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back. I then left the room to finish preparing her dose and returned and gave it.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid had earlier touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with the on-purpose dose of phos. 30c. She had been ready to sleep just prior; but since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual , staccato , exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts separated by lying on belly for a while.

Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. 30c dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing it, and her eyes continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Like a person might do if the beverage had something wrong with it maybe it n me at e it was already having an effect. Or not . I don’t know.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She continued to lie on her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. Mouth open is unusual. Tongue out is normal. Mouth closed again minutes later and has remained closed. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.). I will not antidote unless it proves dangerous. How will I know that a mistake was made and antidoting has become needed? What should I antidote with if it were somehow to become needed? If it were to be one clear I had accidentally doses twice and an antidote was needed, I would not want to undo the wonderful workings of ars. since I it is working on her cellulitis, etc.

It is 6:38 pm now. She has been awake mostly, just lilting on her belly, but she slept a short cat nap already and has eaten sone food—half of what she would eat if she were well, and exactly the amount she has been eating each day for the past few days.
Nel 6 months ago
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said
Nel said I need help with my cat regarding phosphorus. She has been ill trying to pass an intestinal blockage for a week and a half. On Late Thursday ( today is three days later—Sunday), she was diagnosed by radiography with a viral obstruction just barely past the middle of her descending colon.

( Prior to the diagnosis, she had been given arsenicum album 30 c for the vomiting and fever and skin cellulitis/dark red flea bites. (Ars. I believe was appropriate ). ( I am no trained homeopath, just a layman. ). This was given 9 days ago and 8 days ago one time each day, again twice 6 days ago, nux vomica 30cwas given once five days ago ( only once) because I thought it might expel any possible blockage even though that diagnosis had not happened yet. back to one more ars. 30c dose 4 days ago. And today at 2:12 pm EST phosphorous 30c in hopes of expelling the blockage, which was diagnosed 3 days ago).

Here’s my concern. Did she consume a drop of my initial phosphorous in water preparation at the time she sniffed it, before I had diluted it more and administered it on purpose? I’m using sugar pills dissolved in water and sussessed once or twice) Did she accidentally get two doses back to back?within minutes)? Not sure but definitely possible upon reflection. She did get some liquid from the rim of the cup touching her face hair very near her mouth and it made her suddenly draw back. I then left the room to finish preparing her dose and returned and gave it.
(She had drawn back quickly when the liquid had earlier touched the hairs. )

Hee demeanor changed markedly with the on-purpose dose of phos. 30c. She had been ready to sleep just prior; but since the dose she so far cannot fully rest. She lies there awake. Also, after the dose, She darted around a bit at first. Short excessively quick or fast bursts to greet my husband or to go to a new location to rest. All unusual , staccato , exaggerated bursts of speed. Short bursts separated by lying on belly for a while.

Before the bursts of speed and wakefulness, immediately after the on-purpose phos. 30c dose ( I only hope it truly was her only dose), her eyes squinted halfway closed even while the remedy was in her mouth and she was swallowing it, and her eyes continued to open and squint halfway closed another few times. Like a person might do if the beverage had something wrong with it maybe it n me at e it was already having an effect. Or not . I don’t know.

(She is weakened a little bit by her illness and fevers— she has eaten a little the last few days but only a little two or three times a day for yhe past 31/2 days, and before that she was completely anorexic for over four days, and before that she threw up everything for 4-5 days.m (undigested food, green bile, clear fluid, and some days in it turned into orange fluid once and then yellow after that. Bloodwork looked okay when tested three days ago. She is under the care of an emergency vet clinic who run tests and gives fluid if we bring her in. (She’s been there twice last week.)she’s not one to show strong symptoms so I’d say she is on the weak side. A Very flea bitten type. On a weakened state due to many days prior of anorexia. Was a little bit listless during this whole period only once—on on the day I first took her to the emergency clinic, but the excitement or else the 2 prior doses ars.39c on that day given just prior to taking her there, made her no longer listless once at the vet clinic.

I know this is an acute case, not chronic, but By nature she is Thin by delicate, small , graceful in movement, athleticxm,, has expressive tail strong sense of justice, a busy, and expressive and gracefully moving tail, very affectionate (hugs my neck and marks my face repeatedly during the day), positive , perky , friendly, no -nonsense, brave, highly intelligent, I can give many more natural characteristics). Gently persistent…also a peacemaker and has the ability to win over a formerly hostile animal. But Has no patience for bad mean behavior if it returns after the peacemaking had initially worked. Can get impatient with siblings who get out of line. Is fine being more independent than her siblings are fine with being. As 1-month-old kitten she could be removed from her mother to a different room without being uneasy or frightened and would be curious about us and settle down to nap on us (unlike her siblings).

After the phos dose . She continued to lie on her belly with mouth open a little and tongue out. Mouth open is unusual. Tongue out is normal. Mouth closed again minutes later and has remained closed. She is more unsettled it seems. But is trying to get needed rest. Ask me questions. Teach me. When do I know to antidote the phos, if needed? That’s an important question. That question is my question, I think. ( in case I accidentally dosed her twice.). I will not antidote unless it proves dangerous. How will I know that a mistake was made and antidoting has become needed? What should I antidote with if it were somehow to become needed? If it were to be one clear I had accidentally doses twice and an antidote was needed, I would not want to undo the wonderful workings of ars. since I it is working on her cellulitis, etc. and protects from gangrene, etc, from the blockage which has been in her for about a dozen or so days now.

It is 6:38 pm now. She has been awake mostly, just lilting on her belly, but she slept a short cat nap already and has eaten sone food—half of what she would eat if she were well, and exactly the amount she has been eating each day for the past few days.
Nel 6 months ago
I erased this. Couldn’t figure out yet how to delete it. Skip all my possts here and read the final one here only. ( while I figure out how to delete the others)
Nel 6 months ago
How does one delete a post? My first attempts I thought were edits of an original pist but it turns out every edit I did got posted.
[Edited by Nel on 2024-08-11 23:11:49]
Nel 6 months ago
anuj srivastava 6 months ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.