The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Feline - How to Antidote Phosphorus 30c
My cat was given Phosphorus 30c by our vet two months ago. He has lost his appetite and is losing weight, and he was a skinny guy to begin with. He is a bit more skittish than he used to be. The vet keeps saying to wait, but his appetite is not increasing and I am very worried.What can I give to antidote phosphorus or to stimulate his appetite? I have read that Nux will antidote...?
Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 on 2024-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux 30 three times a day for 2 days and a feedback.
Five Phos 6x five tabs three times a day will increase the appetite.
Five Phos 6x five tabs three times a day will increase the appetite.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Thank you, Anuj. I gave Nux in the evening and in the middle of the night my kitty asked for food. The next morning he ate a decent amount and today he seems mostly back to normal. He is more peppy and communicating more also.
Thank you for helping our little kitty.
The Phos 6x is not a cell salt it is the same remedy the homeopath gave him, just in a different potency...? So, different potencies can have different impacts?
Since he is eating well, I dont think I need to give it to him...but I want to learn for future reference.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for helping our little kitty.
The Phos 6x is not a cell salt it is the same remedy the homeopath gave him, just in a different potency...? So, different potencies can have different impacts?
Since he is eating well, I dont think I need to give it to him...but I want to learn for future reference.
Thank you so much!
magicandmiracles1 5 months ago
Five Phos is a cell salt combination.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
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