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Lungs, Liver and Rectal bleeding

Hello Everyone.
Im 38 year old male from the tropical region of India. Height 58 and weight 65kgs. Have allergies from the beginning and mostly used allopathy to resolve them. Myself low in immunity. Like to stay warm. allergetic to sour and citric foods. I will be travelling in the winds as part of my job. A noticeable decrease in muscle has been observed in my over the past few months. Had viral fever a month ago. Has a habit of smoking. Sensitive and Allergetic to smells and have food and dust allergies. Even the slightest of cool air would make me uncomfortable.

My present issues are:

1. Lungs - Wheezing, Unable to breath freely, Sneezing sometimes, Cough with mucus transparent colour, Headaches at the sides sometimes with veins swelling between the eye and ears, Painful eyebrows, Lost smell and Taste a month ago due to viral fever now able to smell and taste but not 100%, Nose blocks sometimes, Feverish in the evenings, Foul breath sometimes, Yellow urine with burning sensation, Chest feels compressed and tight, Slight body pains mostly joints, Sleepy and Weakness. Feels good with brushing, drinking hot water. Have been using nebulizer once a day. Used a lot of antibiotics, cough syrups, antiflu medications but nothing was useful. Have used NUX NOM 200, ANTIM TART 200, SILICEA 6X and KALI MUR 6X for 10 days with no use.

2. Liver:
A month ago a liver test has been done with Serum Proteins and Serum Globulin was slightly above normal ranges, the remaining aspects being normal. Present issue is green stool sometimes with foul smell.

3. Rectal Bleeding:

This has been happening for the past one month where I observed few drops of blood after the stool and sometimes more blood. Alternatively a thin line of blood has been observed on the stool. Now I have been using laxative. No constipation but stool to be hard at the beginning, soft in the middle and mushy at the end, sometimes need to go 2nd time to relive the mushy stool.

Kindly advice the remedies and thanks in advance.
Also kindly let me know if any other things are required to be known.
  dinesh.yellowrose on 2024-09-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also my eyes are itchy and irritated sometimes, rubbing them makes things worse. Mornings while brushing has vomiting feeling and when I try to do it transparent mucus comes out with difficulty.
dinesh.yellowrose 2 days ago
Is there any history of tuberculosis in the family?
Not a doc1 2 days ago
Yes, I got twice from my grandfather.
dinesh.yellowrose 2 days ago
Once at 5 and second time at 16 years.
dinesh.yellowrose 2 days ago
Please take Tuberculinum 1m one dose. Buy sealed bottle from any reputed brand. Do not buy loose. As there is muscle loss eat around 50 grams of protein daily. ( best source would be country he eggs, avoid farm eggs).
Not a doc1 2 days ago
I bought SBL TUBERCULINUM 1000C. One dose is 3 drops or 5 drops? Can I take it directly or diluted in water?
dinesh.yellowrose yesterday
Three drops will do. You can take either directly or in water. Do not use tap water.
Not a doc1 yesterday
Done Sir. When can I revert back with my feedback?
dinesh.yellowrose yesterday
Any day if there is any development, otherwise once a week.
Not a doc1 yesterday
Thank you.
dinesh.yellowrose yesterday

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