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Mr. Anuj - Heart condition in Bird

Hello Mr. Anuj,

I am looking for your help for a case of a parakeet/budgie that has congestive heart failure (heart insufficiency). Bird is relatively young 2-3 years and has issues for a long time due to bad breeding.

Even without any exercise she is breathless, rapid breathing, rapid heart beat. If she flies, she will get so extremely tired and out of breath and breath so fast that even her mouth opens to get more air.
After just a simple flight it looks like she will have a heart attack.
Enlarged liver (already given Nux along with naturopathy for this but the heart is the main issue) that comes from her having previously eaten large quantities of foods.
She also has air in her crop likely due to a yeast infection - This is being treated with medications already.
She drops her wings.
Some neurological issues (wing twitching)

I put her in a separate room with calm music and she is staying in her cage because her body cannot tolerate exercise.

I know there is likely not much one can do to save her, but I am looking to give her more comfort until she passes away.
Main concern at the moment is the HEART issues.

Please advise.
  mercyann on 2024-09-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ars Alb 30 once.And a feedback.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Thank you, I have put 1 drop undiluted on her foot and a few drops diluted on the other foot because it is easier...
I also dipped my finger in it and she licked it.

When I went there 30 min ago (had not given Ars Alb 30 yet) she was having tremors/convulsions on her wings and was scratching her head all the time (itchy).

She now also has blue on her feet.

I will update again in 1h. Please remember to come online if you can as she can deteriorate fast and may need another medication.
mercyann 4 months ago
Update: No convulsions/tremors of the wings. She is sleeping now. Palpitations have calmed down substantially as well as breathing rate is much lower now. She looks a lot better and more comfortable.

Very happy to see this as she was doing horribly even having tremors before Ars was given.

I will confirm tomorrow morning if her feet are still blue.

What do you suggest I do now?

I have read about Ars Album being only good if the heart is not the main cause quote:

From a single homeopathic layer, we know that this remedy is full of palpitations and shortness of breath and weakness. Due to these symptoms, this was often a remedy employed by Kent for people with heart disease. However, he realised that this remedy would not address deep heart pathology, only functional symptoms of the organ. He states, ” when this is not a state of the heart itself, then Arsenicum becomes a wonderful remedy”, and to address the organ dysfunction, you will need to find a remedy that covers that aspect. We could say that Arsenicum Album covers the fundamental layer in the case, but it has no depth to treat lesion dysfunction of the organ.
mercyann 4 months ago
Wait,watch,observe and give feedback.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Good day,

Symptoms today:

- Rapid breathing and heart beat after smallest exercise or when standing still. If she moves a bit more she will have an extremely increased breathing rate and pulse. Seems like the heart is coming outside of the chest.
- Sometimes involuntary tremors/convulsions on wings and lower abdomen/tail.


Feet a lot less blue.
Had good appetite in the morning.
Alert and responsive to other birds
Her wings are not hanging down as much.

I made her some Crataegus (Hawthorn) tea yesterday which is well documented in congestive heart failure. I dont expect to cure her because if the issue is structural to the heart then the only possible solution would be a surgery which is impossible in birds of this size. But any measures that give her comfort are welcome.

Kindly advise.
[Edited by mercyann on 2024-10-01 13:15:44]
mercyann 4 months ago
I suggest repeat ARS ALB.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Repeated the dosage. She seems a little better again. Have not seen convulsions and the breathing rate is a bit slower. It seems to give her some relief.

If the exact same symptoms return again later, do you suggest that I use ARS ALB again? (Asking in case you are not online because its night time in your country)
mercyann 4 months ago
Wait and observe then repeat.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Just an update for you. She looks a bit better today overall, in terms of tremors/convulsions I have not seen much.

Symptoms today:
Rapid breathing (same as before) when she is resting and when she is moving
I noticed that the tremors/twitching becomes worse during the night time.

Current therapy:
I have put ARS Alb in her drinking water, as she only drinks 2-3 times a day because taking her out of the cage will cause unnecessary stress every time. She has hawthorn tea 24/7 to help with the heart.
I also added dandelion root extract into the water to help with diuresis and prevent liquids from accumulating.
mercyann 4 months ago
I am hopeful the bird will recover with Ars.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Update: Condition has worsened very rapidly over the last couple of hours. Breathing very fast. I took her in my hands to give her Ars and she got so out of breath that she nearly fainted. She lied completely flat with wings extended.
She is also extremely thin. I cannot medicate her because just taking her in my hand stresses her heart too much.
Even if we switch medications now, she is losing weight, I cannot give her the meds directly (only in her drinking water) and she looks terrible now.

I will continue to give ARS in her water.

Judging from this I think that she will pass away in the next 48h.

If you suggest a different medication I will put it in her water.
mercyann 4 months ago
Also, we knew this would happen. She must have a structural issue of the heart which can only be fixed with surgery (impossible in small birds).

I adopted her 1 year ago, she was kept in a cage so small that her tail was bent. She did not know how to fly and she was in a dark room without windows. Here she can fly with other birds, has always had the best food, toys to play and is beloved by all animals and humans. She was given 1 year of joy and God is taking her home. I have to accept that and I knew when I got her that she would not last long. Homeopathy is giving her comfort and that is very important in the last stages of life. I appreciate your help. She had a good life in the last year and will be in Heaven soon.
mercyann 4 months ago
If you have a different suggestion let me know otherwise I will keep ARS in her water. Thank you.
mercyann 4 months ago
anuj srivastava 4 months ago

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