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Remedy for preventing miscarriage

After having several healthy children, Ive had 5 early miscarriages in a row over the past few years, with no medical cause identified. Nearly a year since the last miscarriage, I am pregnant again. 4 weeks, so very early, got a positive pregnancy test result yesterday and started oral progesterone as per my doctors instructions.

Now I am having mild aches in my uterine area and legs, and I had some brown (old blood-like) stringy discharge, similar to before my period. No discharge or staining since.

Is there a remedy I can take to help prevent miscarriage?

(If more details about me help, I am 40 years old, generally healthy, but with fibromyalgia, particularly aches in the joints, migraines, and digestive sensitivities.)
  lisbeth on 2024-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ive had 5 early miscarriages in a row -

Can you specify the months?
anuj srivastava 4 months ago

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