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Not manly enough to the eye of women , not enough, not wanted
Hello everybody,I need your help, please..
I need my power and virility back! Help!
Here are my symptoms:
- Fear of heights and falling from heights.
- Fear of not being accepted.
- Abandonment trauma
- cold legs and feet
- I feel the need to constantly produce and be successful, so I can be loved.
-left side from chest to penis tip, tension/ irritation, lef lung feels constricted too. I feel angered there and frustration,blike revenge too, pelvi Is Linked to virility, it feels week and contracted, like Have no sexualy energy, no testosterone, difficult to explain. Taken away from me.
I get triggered when someone pats me on the back or tells me what to do.
I want to be accepted by my students. I try to be lenient and cool so that they look up to me. However, I constantly check to see if they look bored; if they do, I feel rejected. When they don’t listen, I feel disrespected and humiliated, which leads to anger. I tend to internalize this anger instead of expressing it, and I sometimes feel a desire for revenge.
I have a fear of rejection.
I also have a fear of snakes and spiders, finding them disgusting. When someone tells me what to do, I feel dominated, which makes me angry, especially when I see students bullying more sensitive students.
I have no desire to drink water, and I feel that if I express myself, I will get hurt.
When I hear people laughing, I often think they are laughing at me, which makes me feel humiliated and fuels my desire for revenge.
I have an obsession with my career, believing that achieving success will earn me the love and acceptance.
I often dream about girls I like romantically, but in my dreams, they do not want me. I feel weak, not strong or manly enough, and I am haunted by the belief that I am not up to the mark
When I see a woman showing attraction to another man, I immediately get triggered and feel inadequate, like a beta, weak and meek boy, and feel sensations in left side of upper chest. Think that no one will ever want me. I feel that I am not up to par and lack the qualities that make someone desirable.
When I encounter a woman I like who seems interested in a confident, alpha-looking man, I feel triggered and jealous, leading to feelings of rejection. I was emotionally dominated and bullied by a man in the past for over a decade in front of girls, especially in front of women I liked. This has created a sense of perceived rejection from women I am attracted to, even before approaching them. I feel inadequate for them, believing I am not what they want, and deep inside, I hear a verdict that says, I don’t want you; you’re not man/strong enough for me. This feeling is particularly intense when I genuinely like a woman, as it feels like a life sentence, stemming from the unfair bullying I experienced as a child.
I am seeking a homeopathic remedy that can help me feel powerful and enough and self assured I can get any any woman i want. I Want my power back. The right to take space in the world.
I hope you can help me, my homeopath doesnt understand my anger/ frustration from having been violated.
Can I ever feel strong to the eye if a woman again?
Chrisdifs on 2024-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times a week.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times a week.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Hi-it is helpful to understand the mechanics of your trauma. You were abused, bullied. The reaction of our brain is the same whether it is this experience or any other trauma. The lower brain is hardwired to put trauma memories in a different place in the brain than normal memories.
This is caveman type brain set up to keep us safe from harm. The trauma memories have a link up to trigger Adrenalin and stress and also shut down front brain blood flow- so your front brain is the part that can dismiss these “thoughts” of not good enough etc-bc they are lies. This takes some time
But if you do not understand the process you start being at the mercy of these thoughts- which get stronger and repeat .
All this is -is the body mechanism for memory trauma.
Just fyi-for future trauma take ignatia 30 within a week -ignatia stops the memories from being placed in the brain with adrenalin hook up- They just turn into normal memory and fade off.
See how the Aurum works- there are also therapists who help this thru desensitization.
This is caveman type brain set up to keep us safe from harm. The trauma memories have a link up to trigger Adrenalin and stress and also shut down front brain blood flow- so your front brain is the part that can dismiss these “thoughts” of not good enough etc-bc they are lies. This takes some time
But if you do not understand the process you start being at the mercy of these thoughts- which get stronger and repeat .
All this is -is the body mechanism for memory trauma.
Just fyi-for future trauma take ignatia 30 within a week -ignatia stops the memories from being placed in the brain with adrenalin hook up- They just turn into normal memory and fade off.
See how the Aurum works- there are also therapists who help this thru desensitization.
♡ simone717 3 months ago
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