The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Phosphorus with Sulphur
Hi There,best wishes for all
Dear friends,
Im almost 60 years old , found this website in quest of self diagnosis, and found it v.v.wonderful experience here.
I want to clarify my thought about using Phosphorus as main remedy and sulphur as supporting remedy for my symptoms,because almost all symptoms are showing me as phosphorus man but, as my sub maxillary gland are swelled since long time and I found sulphur best for the cause. Please guide me how to use phosphorus (I assumed 6x suits me best)and sulphur to restore my health issues
[Edited by Am-I on 2024-12-13 07:16:16]
Am-I on 2024-12-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Have Sulphur 200 early morning empty stomach one a week and for next day Phosphorous three time a day for a couple of day and see.
♡ anuj srivastava 2 months ago
Thank you for prompt reply dear.
Kindly please tell me how long should I took both and how much in a single dose?
Sulphur 200 once a week on empty stomach in morning and phosphorus 6x three times a day
from next day?
[Edited by Am-I on 2024-12-13 13:02:08]
Kindly please tell me how long should I took both and how much in a single dose?
Sulphur 200 once a week on empty stomach in morning and phosphorus 6x three times a day
from next day?
[Edited by Am-I on 2024-12-13 13:02:08]
Am-I 2 months ago
nce a week on empty stomach in morning and three times a day
from next day?yes.
Give a feedback after 4 days.
from next day?yes.
Give a feedback after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 2 months ago
Dear Anuj Srivastava,
I try to borrow tomorrow,
Sulphur-200 globules
and Phosphorus-6x
please advice me how many globules or drops,and in how many water, should I take
I try to borrow tomorrow,
Sulphur-200 globules
and Phosphorus-6x
please advice me how many globules or drops,and in how many water, should I take
Am-I 2 months ago
Am-I 2 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 2 months ago
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