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Want to reduce bowel movements and stop diarrhea

I need to reduce my bowel movements as since the past 36 months my bowel movements have increased. I have to go to the washroom every second day to empty my bowels which is very frustrating and increases my anxiety levels a lot. I also get mild diarrhea when emptying my bowels in the washroom. Because of this I since the past few days have stopped consuming daily coconut water and having citrus fruits like sweet lime and oranges, as I have noticed these things increase my bowel movements. but still my bowel movements are not reducing. Quite a few times I get immediate bowel movements just after consuming coconut water, while I am still consuming the citrus fruits and immediate bowel movements always after having quite a few different fruits in the morning. I also sometimes get bowel movements after 45 minutes to 2 hours of having lunch or dinner. I also sometimes feel a little stuffy in the stomach after having lunch or dinner.

I know I have developed this problem since quite some time and my responce to my problem is late and it is to early to make any judgment on my improvement. So are there any homeopathic remidies that can reduce my bowel movements, stop diarrhea and remove the stuffy feeling after having lunch or dinner.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2024-12-25 18:29:05]
  WitchIcono on 2024-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have to go to the washroom every second day to empty my bowels-It is an every day affair.Then how do you say =that your bowel movements have increased.

Wht is the frequency EVERY TWO DAYS?
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
about two years back I used to get not more than one or two bowel movements in a week and so the urge to go to the washroom to empty my bowels used to not be more than once or twice a week.

Now since the past two years my bowel movements have increased.I now need to go to the washroom to empty my bowels every alternate day and sometimes I get bowel movements for two to three days in a row. So this is why I now want to reduce my bowel movements back to once or twice a week.
WitchIcono 2 months ago
Not desirable and very bad for health.
anuj srivastava 2 months ago

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