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Rage upon hearing noises and smells

I experience extreme irritation amounting to rage upon hearing everyday sounds such as people eating, breathing heavily, typing on a keyboard. I believe this is called Misophonia.

It also has extended to the realm of smelling, so certain smells arouse disgust and rage.

I also find visual repetitive stimuli distressing such as someone bouncing their leg.

It seems all my senses are heightened and it causes me great distress. It is also difficult to take in breath when this happens.

I have had this since I was 7 and have felt like I was going crazy but recently it has gotten worse and I truly feel like I am or will lose my mind.

Can you recommend any remedies? Thanks
  lemonbunny on 2025-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Belladona 200 5 pellets 3 times a day
IKSHIT last month

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