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CHRONIC diseases after foot sweat suppressed

Foot sweat suppressed is guiding symptom since 2009 in a patient male now 68. Before
2009 patient had much foot sweat. Patient was stented due to CORONARY ARTERIES DISEASE with left ventricular hypertrophy in 2011. Silicea is still indicated as cataract of right eye in 2023 verified it.Keeping in mind the nature of Silicea, should it be given if yes, in what potency and at what interval.
  gianchand2gmail.com on 2025-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Silicea will be risky to use as there is foreign body inside (stent). It may start inflammation to expell foreign body which is one of the main characteristics of Silicea. (Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica by J. T. Kent). If you think you should give Silicea in this type of cases start with 30 potency single dose and see if any inflammation occurs. 30 potency should work for around 7 days. Antidote to Silicea is Fluoric Acid.
Not a doc1 last month

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