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[Right side paralysis and speech problem after brain stroke] 2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Paralysis with speech problem

My father is 63 years old.6 months ago the left side of his body was paralysed after a brain stroke. A chronic infarction was detected by CT Scan Brain. He recovered by allopathic treatment. After 6 months on 6th of December 2024, suddenly his speaking ability lost and also difficulty for walking (walks with small steps).Allopathy treatments are still going on with Ecosprin AV75 and Citikoline. but till now he could not experience much improvement of his condition. Still my father cant speak properly and cant express himself and his emotions by talking to us. He lost his memory. Sometimes he forgets everything. He is a diabetic patient too. I want my fathers recovery as soon as possible.If there is any possible homeopathy treatment regarding my fathers condition, Please suggest.......
  riyazahmad5 on 2025-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Treatment of type 2 diabetes is at present a controversial subject among allopathic doctors. Some advocate treatment by insulin and others object to it. The reason for objection is that in type 2 diabetes the body is already producing excess insulin so there is no need to supply more from outside. The problems your father is suffering from are consequences of diabetes. Homeopathic cure of type 2 diabetes is possible but will require very high level of expertise on part of the doctor. Unfortunately such doctors are a rare commodity.
Every disease requires two essential conditions : seed of the disease and proper environment to continue. So far science does not know what causes diabetes, modern doctors at present regard it as a lifestyle disease. Lifestyle is not seed, it is the environment in which diabetes thrives. In order to cure diabetes both the issues have to be tackled.
As finding a doctor who can treat diabetes successfully is a matter of extreme good luck the next best thing you can do is to alter the environment. High blood sugar levels are connected to eating some types of food like sugar and starch ( rice, bread, pasta, noodles, potatoes). If you do not eat these things or eat them in moderation blood sugar levels will not go high. That way you can tackle the consequences of diabetes safely. However, please note that this will not cure or reverse diabetes, it will only keep the blood sugar levels in safe range.
Another way to quickly lower blood sugar levels without medicine is fasting. You can go for fasting at night. Do not eat anything after sunset. Preferable duration of fasting is a minimum of eight hours. If you can fast for longer hours better results can be obtained.
A note of warning : Do not fast if you are taking insulin as that will reduce blood sugar to dangerously low levels which may cause death.
What you can eat :
Vegetables ( coocked and raw).
Fish from the river( not cultivated in fisheries)
Fresh eggs ( country hen, open range. Do not eat farm eggs if possible)
Do not use refined oils for cooking as they contain a lot of harmful chemicals. You can use wood pressed or cold pressed oils instead. High quality cow milk ghee can also be used.
It is believed that the liver is in some way involved in diabetes, so avoid foods that are fried or spicy as they put syrain on the liver.
Not a doc1 last month
Please prescribe best Homeopathy Medicine
riyazahmad5 2 weeks ago
Please give Arnica 30 three doses at 4 hour interval. Wait for three days to see if there is any change. This medicine is for any blood clot that may be there obstructing blood supply in the brain.
Not a doc1 2 weeks ago
Ill start from today this evening.
riyazahmad5 2 weeks ago
Ok. One dose today and two doses tomorrow. No more.
Not a doc1 2 weeks ago
No improvement.
Can I use Arnica 30, Gelsemium 200, Causticum 300 altogether?
riyazahmad5 5 days ago

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